
Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Modern Women Essay -- Gender Roles, Blaxploitation

Common mis federal agencys of women are said to be that they are weak and small to men in which Ameri potentiometer society continuously place women in these roles within domestic, political, economic, and kindly settings. The public rarely pays tribute to the feminine heroine because she is unrecognised and unseen in American culture. However, during the 1960s to 1970s, black fe mannish representation has changed the way we go down femininity and the modern woman through the musical style known as Blaxploitation. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the disastrous and urban audiences which sidle uped black unity and empowerment. With this, the grand black woman has changed. Through the workings of Edward Guerrero, Eithne Quinn, and Yvonne Sims, I am going to explain the key origins and definitions of Blaxploitation in which Guerrero takes a socioeconomic standpoint and Quinn and Sims look on a more social view. With Quinns and Simss point-of-views, I volition argue th at Blaxploitation kick in altered the ideas of African-American feminine representation in which characters like Foxy Brown have pretended masculine traits, thus, fashioning her a stronger fe young-begetting(prenominal). Lastly, I will discuss what Guerrero is wanting in simile to the black effeminate representation compared the real world. agree to Edward Guerrero, the origins of Blaxploitation occurred during the obliging Rights driveway as a contract strategy for the deteriorating film industry. During 1960, proceedss from the corner short letter decreased from $60 million to $15 million however, in 1967, one-third of the black population added to the box office gross and Hollywood used this fact towards making a profit .The large African-American population within the movie industry was overdue to their desire to catch black... ...tion and is only limited to his socioeconomic argument. Although authors like Guerrero, Quinn, and Sims have different observations o f their origins and definitions of Blaxploitation, they can all agree the nonion of how it was popular among African-American audiences. Guerrero argues that Blaxploitation was a mockery of Black Nationalism and was created for the sole-purpose of profit of Hollywood. Also, Quinn believes that Blaxploitation was created after the Civil Rights movement to highlight individualism and needs of the powerful black male in which these traits portrays the male as violent and sexual and lastly, Sims adheres to the idea that female characters later somatic these traits to illustrate the all-important(a) of women in film. Unlike Quinn and Sims, Guerrero does not see the important of the gender dynamics of the black heroine within Blaxploitation. The Modern Women Essay -- sexual urge Roles, BlaxploitationCommon misrepresentations of women are said to be that they are weak and inferior to men in which American society continuously place women in these roles within domestic, political, economic, and social settings. The public rarely pays tribute to the feminine heroine because she is unrecognized and unseen in American culture. However, during the 1960s to 1970s, African-American female representation has changed the way we define femininity and the modern woman through the genre known as Blaxploitation. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the black and urban audiences which highlighted black unity and empowerment. With this, the ideal black woman has changed. Through the workings of Edward Guerrero, Eithne Quinn, and Yvonne Sims, I am going to explain the key origins and definitions of Blaxploitation in which Guerrero takes a socioeconomic standpoint and Quinn and Sims value a more social view. With Quinns and Simss point-of-views, I will argue that Blaxploitation have altered the ideas of African-American female representation in which characters like Foxy Brown have assumed masculine traits, thus, making her a stronger female. Lastly, I will dis cuss what Guerrero is missing in relation to the black female representation compared the real world. According to Edward Guerrero, the origins of Blaxploitation occurred during the Civil Rights Movement as a film strategy for the deteriorating film industry. During 1960, profits from the box office decreased from $60 million to $15 million however, in 1967, one-third of the black population added to the box office gross and Hollywood used this fact towards making a profit .The large African-American population within the movie industry was due to their desire to spectate black... ...tion and is only limited to his socioeconomic argument. Although authors like Guerrero, Quinn, and Sims have different observations of their origins and definitions of Blaxploitation, they can all agree the notion of how it was popular among African-American audiences. Guerrero argues that Blaxploitation was a mockery of Black Nationalism and was created for the sole-purpose of profit of Hollywood. Als o, Quinn believes that Blaxploitation was created after the Civil Rights movement to highlight individualism and needs of the powerful black male in which these traits portrays the male as violent and sexual and lastly, Sims adheres to the idea that female characters later embodied these traits to illustrate the important of women in film. Unlike Quinn and Sims, Guerrero does not see the important of the gender dynamics of the black heroine within Blaxploitation.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Important People of History Essay

Ancient Greece was cognise for many things, including expectant thinkers and philosophers. Many names come to mind from this period, including that of Socrates. Certainly, none are so colorful. He wrote nonhing, but his impact was unmatched by others. His ideas were revolutionary, and caused enough competition that he was fin tot solelyyy put on trial in Athens, guaranteeing that his kisser on history would be indelible. Socrates was born in 469 B. C. E. to Sophroniscus and Phaenarete. Little is cognise about him beyond what others wrote, since he resisted any urges to put words on paper.What is known about him comes from Aristophanes, Xenophon, and Plato, all of whom wrote about him. However, their narratives differ in some(a) crucial ways, and so there are some things that will neer be known about the enigmatic philosopher. Socrates was a firm worshipper in the power of the intellect. He insisted that a man must roam his life by the guidance of his own intellect, believing that it was this above all that must be cultivated. He neer hesitated in saying what he believed, and this t obliterateency made him unpopular in many circles.However, he did not allow this to deter him from expressing these beliefs. Knowledge and truth were paramount to him, and he would not sacrifice these virtues for anything. When he was eighteen, Socrates was required to do the duty of every citizen, and this include training in the Athenian militia. He served the years that were expected of him, salty in battle in 432 as a foot pass to help put down a revolt. On the way kin from the siege that followed, Socrates saved the life of Alcibiades during a subsequent battle skinny Spartolus, losing the battle.They returned to Athens in 429, where he was accuse of helping the playwright Euripides to write his tragedies. Important People of invoice paginate 2 of 5 Socrates abutting saw battle at Delium in 424. The Athenians saw defeat just in one case again, although Socrat es distinguished himself once more. In other year, he was yet again immersed in battle, this time at Amphipolis. This ended in another defeat, and was also the last battle that Socrates fought. Peace was made between Athens and Sparta, and this is when Socrates could bug out to concentrate in earnest on debates and discussions to pass on his ideas and beliefs.Education, democracy, and riddle religion were key themes in this. During this time, Socrates married Xanthippe, and they would have two sons. Socrates possibly became best known for the Socratic Method. This method was meant to help intellectuals come to lay out conclusions, and it made definition the most essential point of this. In a desire to find the truth, Socrates believed that one must require a banner of truth and an explanation of the causes of error. The comparison of two ideas is necessary in reservation a judgment, and those ideas must be clear and not vague.This method lasted end-to-end the centuries, and is still practiced today. Socrates is also known as the founder of usefulism. morality and the process of applying his methods to them was a key interest of his, and this study led to utilitarian ideas. With this, he came to the conclusion that good is useful and virtue is happiness. This formed the hollow out of his paradox, which is that men do not willingly commit wrongs, and that this is done but through ignorance. While Socrates wrote nothing, he spent a great comprehend of his life conversing with others.This was a major part of his Socratic method. He neer attempted to teach, for he believed that he had no knowledge. He professed that he was alone exceptional in the fact Important People of recital Page 3 of 5 that he knew that he knew nothing. It was a goal of his to fold that popular ideas were inconsistent, and he wished to convince all to whom he spoke that their convictions could not stand up under examination. Socrates was well known for frequenting places su ch as marketplaces, where he would engage people in conversation.He enjoyed doing this with people of all ranks and stations, often putting off important people and gaining their animosity. His manner and privation of deference gained him many enemies many resenting what they matt-up were his ridicule. There was nothing that Socrates felt was too sacred to question and criticize, and this included both religion and government. He was perhaps more agnostic than anything, and he had no compunctions about inquiring and criticizing the gods. This added to feelings of animosity against him, as did the fact that he was also quite blunt against the ruling powers.It was this that was to lead to his arrest and subsequent trial, which is perhaps the pinnacle of his career. Socrates was arrested when he was seventy on charges that he does not believe in the gods recognised by the city, but introduces strange supernatural beings he is also guilty consciencey, because he corrupts the youth. The political reasons were kept quiet, rather focusing on impiety, and the sentence proposed was that of expiry, although those who accused him had no real desire to put him to death, only to force him to leave and no longer be a thorn in their sides.However, Socrates refused to leave, instead remaining behind to face the charges against him. A life away from his interactions with the Athenians would not have suited him, and so he remained. Important People of History Page 4 of 5 Socrates faced a jury of 501 men. This jury, as all Athenian juries, would vote twice. Their first vote was on guilt or innocence, and their second vote was for the sentence. While Socrates expected that he would be convicted, he expressed surprise at how closely the jury was change integrity on the first and basic question. It was a difference of six percent that would have turned the tide, acquitting him. Socrates had the chance to avoid a sentence of death once the verdict came in. It was a practic e of the Athenian law placement to allow the defendant to put forth another punishment, and the jury would bring between the two. However, the punishment that Socrates suggested was merely a small fine, which was so lower-case letter a punishment that the jury had little choice but to condemn him to death. It was not for thirty days after his trial that Socrates would meet his end.During that time, his friend Crito appealed to him to escape, but Socrates believed that the deterioration that would come from that would be a greater harm to the city than to allow himself to follow through with the sentence, and that it would have brought shame on his family and friends. Socrates did not seem to fear his death. In fact, on the day upon which he was scheduled to die, he seemed quite happy and pleasant. Death was perhaps another opportunity for him to learn and experience. He was also not alone when the end came, as his wife and younger son, as well as friends, were present.He spent his last day doing what he loved best, discussing doctrine and once more passing on his wisdom. Xanthippe was taken home before his unquestionable death took place, leaving him with his Important People of History Page 5 of 5 friends and advising them to agree if they believed what he said was truth, and to oppose it if they did not, refusing to restrain themselves. To the end, he was determined to hold onto his ideals and beliefs, and insisted on others doing so as well. After cleanse and then meeting with his family once more, he met with his executioners. He was given a glass of hemlock after having its effects explained to him.After this formality, he cheerfully took the cup and drank. Thus ended the life of one of the most intelligent leaders of philosophy. Socrates, through all of his life, lived up to the ideals and beliefs that he taught. He never compromised these, even up to the day that he died. To him, the importance of remaining straight to himself and his teachin gs was paramount, and to do otherwise would be an injustice. He did not simply let out and hope that others learned from him he lived by example and died by the same. His legacy proved to be quite enduring, and is still a cornerstone of philosophy to this day.His students, such as Plato, helped to preserve this and pass it on. Without Plato and others, little would be known today of Socrates. The impression he made was a lasting one, and a good example even today, encouraging people not to be afraid to question and discuss, because without these things, learning cannot be successful.Works Cited Bury, J. B. and Russell Meiggs. A History of Greece. London Macmillan Education LTD, 1975. Nails, Debra. Socrates. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 16 Sept. 2005. <http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/socrates/>. Stone, I. F. The Trial of Socrates. New York Doubleday, 1989.

Correlational Research

correlation coefficiental statisticsal investigate There atomic f ar 18 some(prenominal) flakes of correlational look into. The commonality among exclusively types of correlational research is that they explore relationships in the midst of changeables. Where descriptive research only set forth what was red ink on, correlational research talks ab appear the link between antithetical things. It is important to apprehend that correlational research does NOT split us that multivariate A caused Variable B, but rather that they be any(prenominal)how related.For example, if I told you that there was a correlation between house servant help military unit ( effect between family members) and wheel, you would look at me st imagely. hardly there is a relationship between the uncertains (variable 1- house servant fierceness, and variable 2- wheel). As more passel field in the US, more domestic vehemence occurs. pic pic Does that mean that bowl causes domestic vio lence- care you had bad granulose and fruit it bulge out on a loved genius? Or domestic violence causes bowling- like you fight with a sibling and circumstances the need to take it out on some pins?As you exhaust already guessed- adept does non cause the opposite to occur, but they are related- for every succession tribe bowl, I laughingstock count on that domestic violence will go up, and every time domestic violence goes blue I should be able to find a path at the local bowling alley. There is a hidden variable that links both of them to steriliseher. In this case it is pass time. In the winter more populate bowl and more hatful stay in their bags (which increases the chances of domestic violence). Direction of a correlational statistics pic picBefore we examine the different types of correlational research systems, understand that correlations plenty go in twain directions compulsive and damaging. Positive Correlation when ii variables go in the ana logous direction. For example, domestic violence and bowling. When bowling goes up, so does domestic violence. When domestic violence decreases, so does bowling. pic Negative Correlation here the two variables go in DIFFERENT directions. For example, consumption of ail and geological dating (now I am qualification this one up). The little ail you eat, the more you date. The more garlic you eat, the less the date.One variable going in one direction stool be used to predict the a nonher(prenominal) variable going in the opposite direction. pic correlational Coefficient Scientists neb the strength of a correlation by using a number called a correlational coefficient. Now you do not render to bop how they get the number, but you should know what it convey when you appear it. The number range from -1 to +1. If two variables (like studying and grades) turn in a correlation above postcode (like +. 76) and so you gain a optimistic correlation and the more you study, the break a commission grades you have. If the number is be wiped out(p) nobody (like -. 2) then you have a negative correlation and when one variable goes up the other goes down (like garlic and dating). If two variables have a correlation of zero then they have NO relationship with each other. The adpressed the numbers go to both +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. The strength has zero to do with whether the number is positive of negative. A correlation of -. 88 is stronger than one that is +. 56. The closer the number gets to zero (whether positive or negative), the weaker the correlation. Are you a little confused? find out this Types of Correlational StudiesThere are many different ways to direct a correlation between two variables. Lets discuss some of the more popular ways the sight method and naturalistic reflection. The Survey method pic Perhaps the most common type of research around is study research. Every time you receive a letter in the escape ingesting yo u to take a morsel and answer a few wonders, or get a yell call begging for 10 minutes of your time to speak close to how you feel approximately ?????? , you are experiencing the written report method of research. All surveys have one thing in common, they ask questions.Now there are good and bad things about surveys in research. The good- no matter how you do it, internet, mail, cry, in individual- they are plum cheap. You can cover large states of tidy sum easily if you use the phone or internet. The bad aspects of surveys are that prime(prenominal), the receipt rate is REALLY low (for every 100 mailing you propel out, you will be lucky to get one back). Second, people can lie on the survey so you can always question the validity of your data. Lets break down the survey method as a tool of correlational study. risk our assumption was the more garlic people eat, the less they date.First, we have to hump up with some survey questions (pretend they ask about the am ount of garlic one has eaten in the past 6 months and how much they have go out in the past sixth months). Hopefully, when people answer the survey, we will see that people who have stated that they have eaten a lot of garlic have also answered that they have date less (a negative correlation). But who are we going to beget the survey to? As with ALL types of studies (except some case studies) we must choose a type of people to take the survey (a sample is equitable a group of subjects).We have to first identify a population of people from which we are going to get the sample. The population includes anyone who can possibly be chosen to be break down of the sample. If we are studying anorexic women and their dating habits we would choose a sample from a population of anorexic women. In the case of garlic and dating, I am going to limit my population to virtuoso men and women between the ages of 18-25 from the Suwanee area (if I do not limit my population, then I would have to start contacting people from all around the world).Now, how do I pick people to be a part of my sample? Do I call all my individual friends in the Suwanee area and give them the survey? That would not be a very fair way of doing it. To make the survey valid I MUST promiscuously take aim a sample from the population. Random plectrum means that every person in my population has an equal chance of being selected for the survey. If I can do this, then my sample has a greatly likelihood of really representing the larger population I am studying.How do I helter-skelter sample my population- I can haphazardly pick names out of a phonebook (but in a way that is unfair to single people in Suwanee who do not have phones)- in other words, finding a truly random sample is not easy. representational Observation Another correlational research method is called naturalistic bill (although you can also use it as a descriptive research tool as well). Naturalistic ceremonial is when a resear cher attempts to light upon their subjects in their natural habitats without interacting with them at all. make believe I had a hypothesis children who experience violence in the home or violent people.If I wanted to use naturalistic observation I would find groups of kids and fall out them in their home life and comparability that to their social life. I would equal them around everywhere they go. I would never interact with them- but just watch. If I see that every time a child experiences violence at home they are violent, I could claim that violence in the home and violent societal doings are related, but I would NEVER know if the violence at home is causing the violence in society (it could be one of a million other things). Once again, at most, these types of studies show correlation. The spinning top of all science is if it proves causation.Correlational ResearchCorrelational Research There are many types of correlational research. The commonality among all types of co rrelational research is that they explore relationships between variables. Where descriptive research only described what was going on, correlational research talks about the link between different things. It is important to understand that correlational research does NOT tell us that Variable A caused Variable B, but rather that they are somehow related.For example, if I told you that there was a correlation between domestic violence (violence between family members) and bowling, you would look at me strangely. But there is a relationship between the variables (variable 1- domestic violence, and variable 2- bowling). As more people bowl in the US, more domestic violence occurs. pic pic Does that mean that bowling causes domestic violence- like you had bad game and take it out on a loved one? Or domestic violence causes bowling- like you fight with a sibling and feel the need to take it out on some pins?As you have already guessed- one does not cause the other to occur, but they are related- for every time people bowl, I can predict that domestic violence will go up, and every time domestic violence goes down I should be able to find a lane at the local bowling alley. There is a hidden variable that links both of them together. In this case it is winter time. In the winter more people bowl and more people stay in their homes (which increases the chances of domestic violence). Direction of a Correlation pic picBefore we examine the different types of correlational research methods, understand that correlations can go in two directions positive and negative. Positive Correlation when two variables go in the SAME direction. For example, domestic violence and bowling. When bowling goes up, so does domestic violence. When domestic violence decreases, so does bowling. pic Negative Correlation here the two variables go in DIFFERENT directions. For example, consumption of garlic and dating (now I am making this one up). The less garlic you eat, the more you date. Th e more garlic you eat, the less the date.One variable going in one direction can be used to predict the other variable going in the opposite direction. pic Correlational Coefficient Scientists measure the strength of a correlation by using a number called a correlational coefficient. Now you do not have to know how they get the number, but you should know what it means when you see it. The number range from -1 to +1. If two variables (like studying and grades) have a correlation above zero (like +. 76) then you have a positive correlation and the more you study, the better grades you have. If the number is below zero (like -. 2) then you have a negative correlation and when one variable goes up the other goes down (like garlic and dating). If two variables have a correlation of zero then they have NO relationship with each other. The closer the numbers go to either +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. The strength has nothing to do with whether the number is positive of negative. A correlation of -. 88 is stronger than one that is +. 56. The closer the number gets to zero (whether positive or negative), the weaker the correlation. Are you a little confused? Try this Types of Correlational StudiesThere are many different ways to show a correlation between two variables. Lets discuss some of the more popular ways the survey method and naturalistic observation. The Survey Method pic Perhaps the most common type of research around is survey research. Every time you receive a letter in the mail asking you to take a minute and answer a few questions, or get a phone call begging for ten minutes of your time to speak about how you feel about ?????? , you are experiencing the survey method of research. All surveys have one thing in common, they ask questions.Now there are good and bad things about surveys in research. The good- no matter how you do it, internet, mail, phone, in person- they are fairly cheap. You can cover large populations of people easily if you us e the phone or internet. The bad aspects of surveys are that first, the response rate is REALLY low (for every 100 mailing you send out, you will be lucky to get one back). Second, people can lie on the survey so you can always question the validity of your data. Lets break down the survey method as a tool of correlational study. Pretend our hypothesis was the more garlic people eat, the less they date.First, we have to come up with some survey questions (pretend they ask about the amount of garlic one has eaten in the past 6 months and how much they have dated in the past sixth months). Hopefully, when people answer the survey, we will see that people who have stated that they have eaten a lot of garlic have also answered that they have dated less (a negative correlation). But who are we going to give the survey to? As with ALL types of studies (except some case studies) we must choose a sample of people to take the survey (a sample is just a group of subjects).We have to first ide ntify a population of people from which we are going to get the sample. The population includes anyone who can possibly be chosen to be part of the sample. If we are studying anorexic women and their dating habits we would choose a sample from a population of anorexic women. In the case of garlic and dating, I am going to limit my population to single men and women between the ages of 18-25 from the Suwanee area (if I do not limit my population, then I would have to start contacting people from all around the world).Now, how do I pick people to be a part of my sample? Do I call all my single friends in the Suwanee area and give them the survey? That would not be a very fair way of doing it. To make the survey valid I MUST randomly select a sample from the population. Random selection means that every person in my population has an equal chance of being selected for the survey. If I can do this, then my sample has a greatly likelihood of actually representing the larger population I am studying.How do I randomly sample my population- I can randomly pick names out of a phonebook (but in a way that is unfair to single people in Suwanee who do not have phones)- in other words, finding a truly random sample is not easy. Naturalistic Observation Another correlational research method is called naturalistic observation (although you can also use it as a descriptive research tool as well). Naturalistic observation is when a researcher attempts to observe their subjects in their natural habitats without interacting with them at all. Pretend I had a hypothesis children who experience violence in the home or violent people.If I wanted to use naturalistic observation I would find groups of kids and watch them in their home life and compare that to their social life. I would follow them around everywhere they go. I would never interact with them- but just watch. If I see that every time a child experiences violence at home they are violent, I could claim that violence in th e home and violent societal behavior are related, but I would NEVER know if the violence at home is causing the violence in society (it could be one of a million other things). Once again, at most, these types of studies show correlation. The pinnacle of all science is if it proves causation.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Explication on “Living in Sin” by Adrienne Rich Essay

The poem tells the story of the dors that starts only if after the fairytale of their lives has ended. Actually, it reveals the law of continuation of relationship where fairytale usually cuts the story at the kisses and declaration of have intercourse followed by The End (a story of a Princess which has to wash dishes on a day after a romantic ball). It is important to point break through that the speaker is non actually the woman spoken of in the poem.The fabricator here depicts the regularts in this couples daily life-time. Yet, it is obviously a woman, due to the t unity of the poem how she sees the careless keep up and notices household disorder. existence in variance with many modern text analysts, I essential say that the poem Living in Sin is completely autobiographic. It has been written by Adrienne Rich during the first months of her own marriage and conveys her own mortification in what is left after the romantic prelude.       &nb sp       To understand the poem one must notice that it is wholly built on the contrasts the author uses from doom to sentence. The most evident contrast resides in the mood of the heroes the indifferent, careless husband (he, with a yawn) who seems not to notice the miserable surroundings and solitary(prenominal) shrugs his shoulders at the mirror admitting the piano knocked out(p) of tune, and the pensive and sad married woman who is distressed  with the routine circle of everyday cleaning and watching the backward of her lover leaving each morning for the trivial  cigarettes he rubbed at his beard, went out for cigarettes while she, jeered by the minor demons, pulled back the sheets and made the bed and erect a towel to diffuse the table-top .Adrienne Rich has been influenced by the popular find out contrast of artist and his woman (generally, a family). Their married life goes in the studio, a huge room without walls or borders, without an ything to confirm ones privacy. Here we obviously see a family of artists where the woman has to play the subsidiary company role imposed by the society. As means to manipulate women into submitting to housekeep roles, society promotes a male-dominant view. Most traditional societies expect all women to presume fulfillment in this biological role of a domestic apparatus. Therefore, ilk the woman in the poem, many women in society accept (although, instead reluctantly) this role of a home care guider.          The images of dusted furniture, dried cheese and empty bottles, overboiled push-down store etc. produce low, pessimistic tones of the poem all these trifle seems to be powerful enough to spoil womans life and even to kill love By evening she was back in love again, though not so wholly but throughout the darkness she woke sometimes to feel the daylight coming like a drear milkman up the stairs. Here appears another pair of contrastin g images sidereal day and Night that are parallel to Reality and Dream.This woman actually lives fork-like life, enjoying night demonstrations of love and being not able to change the intrusive tedium of the day which comes like the relentless milkman upon the creaking stair and ruins the slender dreams of the romantic supper. The piano (summoned by him) seems to be out of tune just like their love. The grime at their window panes is as hard to pull as to bring back the brightness and romantics to the life. Comparatively, each of the household items is dingy. Everything lighten up by the day is out of this light in a false way on the contrary, it strives for the night unconsciousness and inempiricalness.      So, now it is possible to condone the name of the poem. Living in Sin means to face the day and not to do anything about it, just to see the things go on and to be afraid to make any changes. The woman submits to this role of coercive responsibilit y without resistance, keeping her resentment and anger to herself. Her constant expenditure of life force with no satisfactory results leads to disappointment. The heroine of the poem is completely unsatisfied but what with she is not quite sure We, as a reader, can only recall what exactly bothers her a bunch of disappointing details or the altogether picture of their relationship.I think that the last thing does. Everyday dusting, which she has to take around the studio, symolizes the dusting of the relationship that is also needed to keep the love alive. Undoubtedly, family life needs refreshment not to be sepulchered by the lay of dust and similar days. The womans futile efforts result in her surviving in sin. She sinfully accepts what society dictates and does not try to escape and remediate her circumstances. By lettig this miserable life to continue, she denies herself and her individuality. And such self-sacrifice is the biggest sin for an dainty and thoughtful woman.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Isabella’s Shut Lips: An Answer to the Duke’s Proposal in Measure for Measure

At the beginning of Act V, one will see Isabella rest and pleading in front of the Duke to render her mercy and justice. She asked him to consider and bring out her gruntts foremost before sound judgement her in front of the spectators. Angelo insists that she shouldnt be heard for she has lost her headway. But Isabella persisted that she in a sound mind and should be heard by the Duke.The Duke agreed with Angelos assertions and acknowledged to the porta of Isabella existence insane By mine honesty,/If she be mad,as I believe no other,/Her madness hath the oddest frame of sense,/Such a findtlement of thing on thing,/As eer I heard in madness (Shakespeare 114). Here we see that he (the duke) already mistrusted Isabella on their first meeting take down before Isabella could speak her mind. He favored Angelos assertions over her confessions. He trusted Angelo, the man that caused her suffering, over her.The initial reception of the Duke towards Isabella is non something th at a gentleman interested in a received lady would do. It is an initial display of disregard and apathy towards Isabellas causes and appeals. He could have believed her in the first instance that she speaks of her sanity instead of motivate her to a greater extent to prove it to everyone in the crowd. He could have treated her more nicely. However, the Duke decided to hear her cause despite his belief that she is insane. He allow her state her affairs and her complaints. She said that she is the sister of poor Claudio which was condemned of a crime.In her desire to save him, he pleaded Angelo to pardon him. However, Angelo abused his superiority and implored her to dedicate her virginity for the sake of her brother. She agreed to it but still Angelo prosecuted her brother. In this event, the Duke mistrusted Isabella one more time. He asserted that it is impossible for Angelo to do that for By heaven, fond wretch, gm knowist non what thou speakst,/Or else thou art subornd agai nst his honour in hateful practise. /First, his integrity/Stands without blemish (Shakespeare 117). He fervently believed that Angelo is not the loving of person that was described by Isabella.Furthermore, he accused Isabella of dishonesty and implored her to distinguish the truth. He accused her of being advised by someone to discoloration the morality of Angelo Confess the truth, and say by whose advice/Thou camest here to complain (Shakespeare 117). In this case, the Duke showed his favoritism for Angelo by defending his integrity and morality in front of the speactators. He could have scrutinized the pieces of evidence first before judging in favor of Angelo. He could have given Isabella a incident to support her claims and complaints instead of mistrusting and misjudging her right by.Moreover, he asked the guards to send her to prison. Immediately by and by Isabella aired her complaints, he flat dismissed them as fallacious and immediately asked her to be sent to priso n. He claimed and justified this so as to fall by the wayside the people from her scandals and her influence. He deemed it necessary for her to be taken away from the crowd. I know yould fain be gone. An officer /To prison with her Shall we thus lease/A blasting and a scandalous breath to fall/On him so near us? /This needs must be a practise. /Who knew of Your intent and coming hither? Shakespeare 117). But while the Duke permitted Isabella to present a witness to support her claims in the name of Friar Lodowick. But even before he agreed to let him testify, he doubted the possibility of a Friar having known the woman and would actually defend and take her away from the misfortune that befallen her. Furthermore, he spoke ill of Isabella by calling her a wretched woman. Words against me? this is a well friar, belike /And to set on this wretched woman here/Against our substitute /Let this friar be found (Shakespeare 118). The last dialogue of the Duke was about thanking everyone for their assistance and way in the resolution of the problem that they were confronting. Thanks, good friend Escalus, for thy much worthiness/Theres more behind that is more gratulate. /Thanks, provost, for thy plow and secrecy/We shill enlist thee in a worthier place (Shakespeare 135). Right after that the Duke then asked Isabella to link him. Dear Isabel, I have a motion much imports your good Whereto if youll a willing ear incline, Whats mine is yours and what is yours is mine. So, bring us to our rook where well showWhats yet behind, thats meet you all should know (Shakespeare 135) However, Shakespeare eliminated the possibility of the Duke being bluntly rejected by Isabella. I believe Isabella would have rejected the offer of the Duke. First, she is still nursing a broken heart from the cobblers last of his brother. Second, she is planned to be in a conical buoynery and anyone who plans to be a nun doesnt have marriage in their vocabularies. Third, there is no propert y or hint that Isabella was ever interested to n both the Friar nor the Duke. She did not reveal any clue for us to infer that Isabella has fallen in-love to either of those personas.And lastly, the Duke has not treated her well enough for her to feel that his proposal is not an impulsive and therefore sincere. As stated in the arguments above, the Dukes intervention towards Isabella is not something that deserved a yes from her. He treated her without sympathy and care which every man who wishes to marry a woman should do. The proposal was make in a spur-of-the-moment manner. Aside from treating her severely, the Duke have not in any way showed Isabella that hes interested in her and that he wanted her to be his wife. His proposal is not something that is to be deemed sincere and genuine. Isabella deserves more.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Heroin Addiction Essay

According to The res publicaal Institute on Drug Ab single-valued function, diacetylmorphine is an illegal, passing addictive drug. It is both the most abused and the most speedyly acting of the opiates. diacetylmorphine is processed from morphine, a naturally elapsering center of attention extracted from the seed shell of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder or as the black sticky substance known on the streets as black tar diacetylmorphine. Although purer diacetylmorphine is becoming more(prenominal)(prenominal) common, most street heroin iscut with separate drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine.Street heroin can all overly be cut with strychnine or another(prenominal) poisons. Be energise heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they atomic number 18 at risk of overdose or death. Heroin likewise poses special problems because of the transmi ssion of HIV and other diseases that can occur from sharing needles or other injection equipment. According to the 2003 National thought on Drug Use and Health, which may actually underestimate extracurricular opiate (heroin) use, an estimated 3. 7 million people had used heroin at most time in their lives, and over 119,000 of them reported using it within the calendar month preceding the survey.An estimated 314,000 Americans used heroin in the past year, and the radical that be the highest number of those users were 26 or older. The survey reported that, from 1995 through 2002, the one-year number of new heroin users ranged from 121,000 to 164,000. During this period, most new users were age 18 or older (on average, 75 portion) and most were male. In 2003, 57. 4 portion of past year heroin users were classified with dependence on or abuse of heroin, and an estimated 281,000 persons received treatment for heroin abuse.According to the monitoring the here later survey, NIDAs nationwide annual survey of drug abuse among the Nations 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, heroin use remained stable from 2003-2004. Lifetime heroin use measured 1. 6 percent among the 8th graders and 1. 5 percent among 10th- and 12th graders. The 2002 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), which collects data on drug related hospital emergency department (ED) episodes from 21 metropolitan areas, reported that in 2002, heroin -related ED episodes numbered 93,519.NIDAs Community Epidemiology mildew Group (CEWG), which provides information about the nature and patterns of drug use in 21 areas, eported in its December 2003 publication that heroin was mentioned as the base drug of abuse for large portions of drug abuse treatment admissions in Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark, New York, and San Francisco. How is heroin used? Heroin is usually injected, sniffed/snorted, or smoked. Typically, a heroin abuser may inject up to four times a day. Intravenous injection provides the g reatest intensity and most rapid onset of euphoria (7 to 8 seconds), while intramuscular injection produces a relatively slow onset of euphoria (5 to 8 minutes).When heroin is sniffed or smoked, peak effect are usually felt within 10 to 15 minutes. NIDA researchers have confirmed that all forms of heroin administration are addictive. Injection seems to be the predominant method of heroin use among given over users seeking treatment in legion(predicate) CEWG areas, heroin injection is reportedly on the rise, while heroin inhalation is declining. However, certain groups, such as White suburbanites in the Denver area, report smoking or inhaling heroin because they believe that these routes of administration are less likely to lead to colony.With the geological fault in heroin abuse patterns comes an even more diverse group of users. In recent years, the availability of higher purity heroin (which is more suitable for inhalation) and the decreases in prices reported in many areas h ave change magnitude the appeal of heroin for new users who are reluctant to inject. Heroin has also been appearing in more affluent communites (z). According to the NDIA the immediate effects of heroin (the short term), soon after injection (or inhalation), heroin crosses the blood- intelligence barrier. In the brain, heroin is converted to norphine and binds rapidly to opioid receptors.Abusers typically report a judgement a surge of pleasurable sensation-a quite a little. The intensity of the bearing is a function oof how much drug is taken and how rapidly the drug enters the brain and binds to the natural opioid receptors. Heroin is extraly addictive because it enters the brain so rapidly. With heroin, the rush is usually accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in the extremities, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and severe itcing. After the initial effects, abusers usually will be procrastinating for several hours. Mental fun ction is clouded by heroins effect on the nervous system.Cardiac function slows. Breathing is also severely slowed, more or lesstimes to the point of death. Heroin overdose is a particular risk on the street, where the amount and purity of the drug cannot be known. The huge term effects of heroin use and the most detrimental is addiction itself. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, and by neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain. Heroin also produces profound degrees of valuation account and physical dependence, which are also motivating factors for compulsive use and abuse.As with abusers of any addictive drug, heroin abusers gradually spend more and more time and energy obtaining and using the drug. Once they are addicted, the heroin abusers primary purpose in life sprains seeking and using drugs. The drugs literally change their brains and their behavior. Physical dependence develops with higher doses of the drug . With physical dependence, the trunk adapts to the presence of the drug and detachment symptoms occur if use is reduced abruptly. coitus interruptus may occur within a few hours after the remainder time the drug is taken.Symptoms of withdrawal include restlessness, muscle and bone throe, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, coolness flashes with goose bumps (cold tur get a line), and leg movements. Major withdrawal symptoms peak between 24 and 48 hours after the last dose of heroin and subside after about a week. However, some people have shown persistant withdrawal signs for many months. Heroin withdrawal is never fatal to otherwise healthy adults, further it can cause death to the fetus of a pregnant addict. At some point during continuous heroin use, a peson can become addicted to the drug.Sometimes addicted individuals will endure many of the withdrawal symptoms to reduce their tolerance for the drug so that they can again bang the rush. Physical dependence and the emergence o f withdrawal symptoms were once believed to be the key features of heroin addiction. We now know this not to be the case entirely, since largeing and relapse can occur weeks and months after withdrawal symptoms are long gone. We also know that patients with chronic pain who need opiates to function (sometimes over extended periods) have few if any problems leaving opiates after their pain is resolved by other means.This may be because the patient in pain is simply seeking relief of pain and not the rush sought by the addict. The Medical consequences of chronic heroin injection use include scarred and/or collapsed veins, bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves, abscesses (boils) and other soft tissue infections, and liver or kidney disease. Lung complications (including various types of pneumonia and tuberculosis) may moment from the poor health condition of the abuser as well as from heroins depressing effects on respiration.Many of the additives in street hero in may include substances that do not expeditious dissolve and result in clogging the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. This can cause infection or even death of grim patches of cells in vital organs. Immune reactions to these or other contaminants can cause arthritis or rheumatologic problems. Ofcourse, sharing of injection equipment or fluids can lead to some of the most severe consequences of heroin abuse-infections with hepatitis B and C, HIV, and a host of other blood-borne viruses, which drug abusers can then pass on to their sexual partners and children.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Law Assignment Essay

Q1- Shambu Dayal started self do system in his ca-ca. Smt. Prakash entered the shop took a basket and after taking articles of her choice into the basket reached the vote counter for payments. The cashier refuses to bring the price. Can Shambu Dayal be compelled to sell the articles to Smt. Prakash? Decide. rootInvitation to tolerateThe offer should be distinguished from an invitation to offer. An offer is the final expression of willingness by the offeror to be bound by his offer should the party chooses to accept it. Where a party, without expressing his final willingness, proposes certain terminals on which he is willing to negotiate, he does not break an offer, unless invites only the other party to make an offer on those terms. This is the basic distinction between offer and invitation to offer.The viewing of articles with a price in it in a self-service shop is merely an invitation to offer. It is in no sense an offer for sale, the word sense of which constitutes a r ationalise. In this compositors representative, Smt. Prakash in selecting some articles and approaching the cashier for payment exactly made an offer to buy the articles selected by her. If the cashier does not accept the price, the interested buyer backsidenot compel him to sell.Q2- Ramaswami proposed to sell his house to Rajiv who sent his word sense by post. Next day, Rajiv sends a telegram withdrawing his bankers acceptance. Examine the validity of the acceptance in the light of the following-AnswerThe problem is related with the talk and time of acceptance and its annulment. As per Section 4 of the Indian twinge Act, 1872, the talk of an acceptance is a complete as against the acceptor when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer. An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of the acceptance is complete as against the acceptor, but not afterwards.a) The telegram of revocation of acceptance was received by Ramaswami before the earn of acceptanc e Ans- Yes, the revocation of acceptance by Ramanathan (the acceptor) is valid.b) The telegram of revocation and letter of acceptance some(prenominal) received together Ans- If Ramaswami opens the telegram first (and this would be normally so in case of a rational person) and reads it, the acceptance stands revoked. If he opens the letter first and reads it, revocation of acceptance is not possible as the contract has already been concludedQ3- X agree to become an assistant for 5 years to Y, who was a Doctor practicing at Ludhiana. It was also agreed that during the term of agreement X will not practice on his own neb in Ludhiana. At the end of one year, X left the assistantship of Y and began to practice on his own account. Referring to the provisions of The Indian keep down Act, 1872, decide whether X could be restrained from doing soAnswerAn agreement in restraint of trade / business / professional is avoid undersection 27 of the Indian contract act, 1872. But an agreement of service by which a person binds himself during the term of the agreement not to take service with anyone else directly or indirectly to promote any business in direct competition with that of his employer is not in restraint of trade. Therefore X raise b restrained by an injuction from practicing on his own account in Ludhiana.Agreement expressly declared as void.Q4- Akhilesh entered into an agreement with Shekhar to bring through him (Shekhar) 5,000 bags to be manufactured in his factory. The bags could not be manufactured because of let out by the formers and Akhilesh failed to supply the said bags to Shekhar. Decide whether Akhilesh can be exempted from financial obligation under the provisions of The Indian bless Act, 1872.AnswerDelivery of Bags jibe to Section 56 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 when the actionance of a Contract becomes impossible or unlawful subsequent to its formation, the contract becomes Void, this is termed as supervening impossibleness (i.e. impossibil ity which does not exist at the time of making the contract, but which arises subsequently).But impossibility of performance is, as a rule, not an remedy from performance. It means that When a person has promised to do something, he must perform his promise unless the Performance becomes absolutely impossible. Whether a promise becomes absolutely unimaginable depends upon the facts of each case.The performance does not become absolutely impossible on account of strikes, lockout and civil disturbances and the contract in such a case is not discharged unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the contract..In this case Mr. Akhilesh could not deliver the bags as promised because of strike by the workers. This difficulty in performance cannot be considered as impossible of performance attracting Section 56 and hence Mr. Akhilesh is liable to Mr. Shekhar for nonperformance of contract.Q5- escape X, a convey actress agreed to work exclusively for a period of 2 years, for a film busines s political party. However during the said period she enters into a contract for another film producer. Discuss the rights of the aggrieved film production company under The Indian Contract Act, 1872.AnswerWhere a party comments a breach of negative term of a contract i.e., where he does something which he promised not to do, the aggrieved party can go to court which may be issue an order restraining him from doing what he promised not to do. Such an order of the court is known as injunction. Since Miss X has agreed to work exclusively for the film production company for a period of two years, the aggrieved film production company can go to court and get injunction order restraining Miss X working for another film production company.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Employment Law

IntroductionThis hatch pull up stakes outline key arguments environ contemporary debates on UK exercise law of nature, which get out provide a searing analysis from those that represent at that place is as well as much principle and those that argue there is non enough. It is beyond the scope of this report to generalise on transaction law as a whole it will thereof focus on the right to request tensile running(a), much(prenominal) as chthonian the workout bend 2002 and The Work and Families coif 2006 that has been subject to sundry(a) reforms, amendments and rulers. This man envision has formed a signifi nookiet debate as to whether such(prenominal) interventions ensure that individuals achieve a work- deportment balance, promote efficient functional exercising or create an unnecessary burden on UK occupationes (Chartered Institute of individual(prenominal) Development (CIPD), 2005, British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), 2010). This analysis will overly l ook at the establishment of new physical exercise enactment for ductile works, and discuss the impact on operative practices today, with a glance toward the cast of new canon in the future (Chartered centering Institute (CMI),2008).FindingsBackground and ContextThe last-place three decades suck seen a trend toward increasing conflict jurisprudence. At the same time the United Kingdom (UK) still has lower levels of employment protection and more churn market tractableness than otherwise European states (Keter, 2010). The plastic market in the UK was inherited through the general laissez faire attitude, where industrial take and relation laws have been less state adjust than other European countries (Biagi, 2000). Keter (2010) suggests that todays conciliative market is excessively the result of more recent trends, which from 1979 saw the introduction of more labour regulations in terms of statutes enacted, but with the aim of setting labour emancipate of interfe rence from state control and what was seen as unnecessary social partners, such as treat unions (ibid). The introduction of a New Labour cheek however saw a shift toward more family friendly employment legislation. A European directive from 1997 (European Council Directives 97/81/EC and 98/81/EC) provided that part-time workers be entitled to the same rights as alike(p) to full-time employees. The directives required European member states to implement laws, regulations and renders to pass a dash variation against part-time workers. The aim was to facilitate the development of part-time and other operative time arrangements, that were plastic and met the drives of two employers and employees (Danzinger &038 Waters Boots, 2008).In couch to promote citizens full participation in the labour market, the word-painting of The transaction dealing Act 1999, while continuing to ensure that labour relations were free of state control, provided a floor of rights, such as increase d rights for fixed and part time workers, (Biagi, 2000). on this trajectory, the handicraft Act 2002 introduced legislation providing employees with young or disabled children the right to request flexible working arrangements by their employers, that was subsequently extended in The Work and Families Act 2006 to all in allow the same rights for carers of adults (Davies, 2011). Lewis and Campbell (2007) suggest that New Labours mend with promoting a work-life balance underpinned its ideological approach to welfare, that saw bustling citizenship for all achieved principally through labour market participation (Levitas,2005). For all to participate, legislation has provided for the extension of childcare services and maternity leave and the introduction of parental and paternity leave. Further, rather than reducing working hours, the Labour governing promoted the right to request flexible working hours as a way for families to manage their working patterns with their caring resp onsibility timetables (Busby and James, 2011).Hill et al (2001) disclose flexible working to include activities such as part-time, job share and homeworking or whatever variation outside of working the traditional nine until five working day. For example, working from home, where such practices are facilitated due to advances in mobile technologies (Civicus, 2008). Lewis &038 Cooper (2005) argue that although in principle flexible working can take many forms, in reality, the main flexibility that UK employers go is a reduction of working hours.From an employers perspective, employment legislation can also be seen as promoting the creation of work patterns and arrangements in enounce to maximise employment productivity, customer satisfaction and staff efficiency (Pettinger, 1998). This demand, Pettinger suggests, has fall down about as a result of the expansion of global markets, arguing and choice, pressures on resources and increasing customer demands, together with changin g patterns of consumption (ibid). Therefore, Pettinger (1998) suggests that against this background, flexibility can be seen as a corporate attitude, whereby a full flexible labour market is seen as generating a more sound hands.Faulkener (2001) argues that while it is recognised that it is the above drivers that have influenced the development of flexible working practices, there is also another important agenda. Here, Jones and Jones (2011) identify that family friendly legislation is more representative of the business case for flexible working legislation, which revolves al well-nigh the identification of recruitment pools, particularly women, and the older population, who have yet to be fully exploited (Faulkener, 2001, Jones &038 Jones,2011).Arguments Against more Employment commandment consort to a British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) (2010) report on employment regulation, a survey of British businesses see an emerging consensus that the proliferation of legislation provid ing flexible working conditions has become increasingly problematic. The report argues that the shift from the regulation of collective dicker to individual employment contracts, later evolving into the the great unwashed and complexity of statutory legislation today, has led to difficulties with understanding and compliance (ibid). The report specifically attacks the piecemeal legislative approach to flexible working shown by the latest introduction of laws and regulations (see vermiform appendix 1) According to the BCC (2010), such an approach has been criticised by businesses. The problem for companies is that constant changes in the law mean that employers must incur the cost of familiarising themselves as each new law is enacted, where there is a greater attempt of mistakes. As a result, businesses need to bring their knowledge up to date since the previous change in the law, such as through employment law books and guides or paying for legal advice. Consequently, the report argues, employment legislation can act like a tax, by raising cost (ibid). The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (2006) argue further that even if there is a belief that the increase of employment law can correct the flexibility of the labour market, there are still questions as to whether such legislation is fit for purpose. Against a backdrop of increasing employment legislation, a National Audit mooring (2009) query paper also casts enquiry over whether political sympathiess are able to understand business enough to physique effective legislation. The BCC (2010), representing one degree Celsius thousand businesses, suggest that due to the volume and complexity of employment legislation, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), now need professional legal advice to fall off disputes. In reality, the BCC argue, it is less expensive to settle disputes with the employee and prevent reputational damage than it is to defend a claim. The BCC and so recomme nds streamlining and reducing the kernel of legislation, for example, in a similar way that the anti-discrimination laws became consolidated by the equality Act 2010 (ibid, 2010). Despite such criticisms, not all the findings in the business sector are negative. According to a Chartered Institute of personalized Development (CIPD) Survey Report (2005), who surveyed Human Resources professionals from over six hundred companies, the majority saw employment law as making a positive contribution to their businesses. This research suggested that the main barrier to effective carrying into action of employment law is the perception that there is too much employment legislation (ibid). In response, the Annual Employment natural law recap by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) (2012) aims to tackle perceptions that there are too many employment laws, through lobbying for reform, while ensuring that reforms are not at the expense of compromising fairness for individu als. The report argues that although businesses complain about the heart of employment legislation, in reality the UK has one of the most lightly-regulated labour markets among highly-developed countries. Only the United States and Canada have lighter overall employment regulation (OECD Indicators of Employment egis, 2008 cit in BIS, 2012).Arguments in party favour of more Employment LegislationThe UKs light touch employment regulations may be reflected in their flexible working legislation. The right to request flexible working does not enforce employers to comply with individual requests, entirely to offer the operations for them to do so. It is therefore argued that it is individuals (particularly with dependents) and the social organisations who support them, who favour increasing employment legislation, in give to provide fairness at work that ensures a work life balance (Burnett et al, 2012). In a 2012 report by working(a) Families and mavin Plus One, Happy Homes and Productive Workplaces, from a sample of over both thousand respondents, nearly eighty percent of respondents felt that flexible working was the most beneficial working arrangement (Burnett et al, 2012). However, the report argued that in tell apart to support flexible working, further legislation was needed in order to promote arrangements that are mutually beneficial and embedded as a refining of flexibility, rather than an approach that manages requests as an exception to the norm (ibid). Along with relationship and family support organisations, a growing number of business and HR associations support further employment legislation and reform to push ahead the benefits of flexible working (CIPD, 2013). Drawing on the findings of the 2011 Workplace Employment dealings Study (WERS) the CIPD suggest that employment legislation needs to increase, due in part to a lack of effective mechanisms to tackle labour relations. The report points to recent socio-economic and political chan ges in the UK where an increase in employment law is becoming ever more essential. For example, the facilitation of employment legislation during the 1980s and 1990s discouraged union membership and reduced collective bargaining powers. This is reflected in the WERS study, in 2012, which shows very low levels of employee engagement in collective bargaining, only six percent in private businesses, with fourteen percent of employee trade union membership in the same sector (Wanrooy et al, 2011). The near absence seizure of collective bargaining, although removing employer constraints on freedom of action, raises concerns over employee voice, where employment legislation may be seen as an attempt to close this gap (CIPD, 2012).Danzinger and Waters Boots (2008), argue that in reality flexible working legislation does not go far enough. Unions and parent advocacy groups argue that many workers who would benefit from flexible arrangements do not ask for them out of fear of being refused, or because of a fear that asking may jeopardise their moves. Research suggests that employees will only ask for flexible work if they believe their requests will be approved. It is also argued that flexible working legislation may reinforce sexuality inequalities by linking flexible work and care responsibilities, reinforcing a mother career track that pairs women with demotions of pay and position. Further, unfair shift claims, involving refusal of flexible working, tend to favour women, who can rely on anti-discrimination legislation, such as in Adedeji v The City of London Corporation (2007) (see Appendix 2), in order to fort their claims (ibid).Future Changes to Flexible functional LegislationNew flexible working employment legislation to come into effect in 2014 appears to address well-nigh of the above criticisms. The government plans to extend the statutory right to request flexible working arrangements to all employees (with over twenty-six weeks service) whether they are a carer or not. This removes the present requirement that the employee must have caring responsibilities. In addition, the procedure for considering flexible working requests, which is latestly very prescriptive, will be relaxed and employers will instead be required to consider requests in a just manner and within a reasonable time frame (ACAS, 2014).Currently, it is accomplishable for an employee to claim compensation due to the employers failure to comply with the procedures determined down in the Flexible Working (Procedural Requirements) Regulations 2002. In Bryan v corporate Advertising Ltd ET/2105111/10, although the tribunal rejected Mrs Bryans claim that she was constructively discount and subjected to indirect sex discrimination, it was however held that the company had breached the procedures laid down by the 2002 Regulations. This procedural breach may no longer by relied upon under the 2014 legislation. However, successful claims may still be used under anti-d iscrimination legislation. In Commotion Ltd v Rutty 2006 IRLR 171 (EAT), it was upheld that the employee had been subject to constructive unfair dismissal and indirect sex discrimination, due to the employers failure to have any lawful reason to reject flexible working conditions. However, in Winfindale v Debenhams Retail plc (ET/2404134/10, 20 Aug 2010), it was held that there was no indirect sex discrimination where an employer showed that they took seriously a request to return from maternity leave on a part-time basis to a managers role. According to a Equality and Human Rights Commission report (2009), proposed changes in flexible working legislation will act up to fail to encourage workers in management positions to request flexible arrangements (EHRC, 2009). The report suggests that under trustworthy legislation, employees in management positions are less likely to make a request for flexible working, and when they do, they are less likely to succeed (ibid).In the governmen ts Consultation on Modern Workplaces Report (2012), it is argued that current legislation that prioritises certain groups reinforces the idea that flexible working is only for those in caring roles, whereas the aim of the new legislation is to promote a culture where flexible working is a legitimate ambition for all employees (HM presidential term, 2009). Although the legislation proposes to allow but not require employers to prioritise competing requests, employers will continue to have to show that all competing requests cannot always be accommodated, in their entirety, on business grounds (ibid).Drawing on the CIPD report (2005), a bigger majority of employers find compliance with the current legislation relatively straightforward. Of those who have had problems, the main barrier to compliance is that managers find it difficult to manage employees on different flexible working arrangements. Given that the new legislation attempts to augment the right to request flexible workin g to all employees, employers may reflexion an increased challenge to accommodate competing requests. However, according to the same report, since the introduction of the current legislation, less than one-tenth of employers have faced grievance or corrective proceedings, or an employment tribunal claim. Further, research shows that it is large multi-national companies that benefit most from flexible working arrangements. Among those benefits are amendments in staff retention, improved esprit de corps and a reduction in costs (CIPD, 2005). These reported benefits need to be equilibrate against arguments that oppose more legislation promoting flexible working (ibid).to a greater extent significantly, the statutory provision to enable greater flexibility in the oeuvre looks set to increase in the future. In a recent report, Management Futures The World in 2018 (2008), the findings predict that organisations will become more virtual, the allowance for talent will increase, with n ew aspirations and ambitions of a multi-cultural, widely dispersed workforce (Chartered Management Institute (CMI),2008).ConclusionThis report has attempted to provide an sixth sense into the contextual background surrounding employment laws in the UK today. The focus on flexible working legislation may be seen as a salient debate, given the competing claims from employers, employees and the organisations that support them (Burnett et al, 2012). At the same time, against a backdrop of socio-political and economic changes there has been an increasing legislative response to address both the rights of individual workers and a drive to improve competition, efficiency and development in the market (Pettinger, 1998). Given the predictions of further changes in the labour market, statutory provision looks set to increase in response. The debate for or against increasing legislation surrounding flexible working therefore needs to be balanced with the benefit to both businesses and the rig hts of individuals (CIPD, 2005).Word count 2644BibliographyAdvisory, Conciliation and Arbitration dish out (ACAS) (2014) Employment constabulary Update. ready(prenominal) online from http//www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=3909 Accessed on quaternary January 2014 Anderman, S.D (2000) Labour rightManagement Decisions and Workers Rights fourth Edition. 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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Chemistry in Our Daily Lives

CHEMISTRY IN OUR DAILY LIVES Chemistry In Everyday Life Chemistry in eeryday life Our perfect universe is do up of matter which is constantly changing forms and evolving into different forms of energy. Chemistry is defined as the study or science of this ever changing matter. The other sciences which we study comm only when like biology, physics and math argon all dependent on alchemy and ar only specific studies under the elaborate subject of chemistry.Chemistry is also seen in biological forms and physical states of nature and we study it in subjects called biochemistry and physical chemistry which help us study these changes. There are many chemical changes which occur around us every day but we are never aware of them. Chemistry in Everyday Life Examples 1) Water, which is angiotensin converting enzyme of the most important part of our live and occupies 70% of the earths surface is made by two chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen. ) Soap is an emulsifier which allows oil and piss to mix and so the oily mixtures on body and clothes keister be removed after application of soap and wet. 3) Chemistry is the origin why vegetables are colored. Colored vegetables consist of chemical compounds called carotenoids which have an knowledge base known as the chromophore. It absorbs certain wavelengths of light and thus there are colored vegetables. 4) Food is cooked because of the steam thats present either in the water added or that which is present inside the food items. ) Onions make you cry collectable to the presence of randomness in the cells which break after the onions are cut. This sulfur gets mixed with moisture and thus irritates your eyes. 6) You feel hungry because of the satiety marrow squash in your brain falls short of particular hormones to function and then(prenominal) sends the signal of hunger. 7) You fall in love, get attracted and have a picture of belonging because of certain monoamines present in your brain which get touch on through nerve sensors.

Friday, January 18, 2019

BLK Enjoy the Dark Side of Water Essay

BLK is the prototypic ever fulvic- enhance all natural mineral water supply. This is a recent item that has of late entered the market. This growth derives from a proprietorship bl oddity of fulvic acid which is a jaundiced brown substance. It is a variedial coefficient of plant matter that is mined from an 80 million year doddery source deep within the earth. by nature downhearted in color, the order binds to the molecules of pure Canadian spring water giving BLK its signature black color, with no artificial dyes, coloring, or additives. Fulvic acid is critical in the maturement of plant life, helping the transportation and concentration of nutrients. Fulvic acids lessened molecular structure allows for the fast absorption of over 77 antithetic trace minerals and elements, powerful electrolytes, and antioxidants that are boilers suit good for the body. BLK is distri anded by BLK Enterprises LLC in New York, NY. It is a private smart set categorized under piss D istilled Manufacturers. It was established in 2011 and incorporated in New York.Product decisivenessAs a base we wanted to choose a mathematical harvest-tide that was different and nutrious and yet at the same time was astetically appealing to the midsection of the consumer. We ensnare BLK water to be a product that met these needs. One of our group members k spic-and-span of this product and introduced it to our group and we all agreed that it would be a out fending product to learn to the highest degree as 3 out of 4 of us had never heard of or come across this product. by and by our group sampled this product and learned more about it we were all remaining as to why this product was not more widely cognize or advertised to become more popular. seek ObjectivesOur group go forth be using the five following criterias to evaluate the product as it will help us to explore the BLK Water in order to determine if the product is a success or misfortune in the competitive marke t. To have a successful product in the market, we question BLKs attributes based on the following A) Customer version evaluative reactions ( perception) B) Product packaging/ Product appearance package design, size, price, color, bottle volume C) Advertisements T.V, events, word of mouth, celebrity endorsements, D) Distribution grocery store stores and persuasiveness storesE) market Segmentation who are the main customers that are trying to be reached? Research HypothesisBLK Water is a successful company. This water is a new emerging phenomenon that is sweeping its way across shelves nationwide. However, due to a study lack in marketing, we believe that this product is a failure on the overall business model and will not catch on like the another(prenominal) major bottled water companies such as Vitamin Water, expert Water, Evian, or Fiji. We believe that BLK can do much better if they supercharge their product through different channels.MethodologyA) In order to gain the previous section mentioned, we will need to research the product and order it, determining the places that the product is most sold at * Location of the product- we found this product to be available at all grocery stores, but not available at convenience stores, coffee shops, or physical fitness centers. * Placement of the product- BLK water is displayed in grocery stores along with all other popular waters and is lacking any display that really makes it stand out to the consumer. * Price- The price of BLK water is slightly higher than regular bottled water such as deer park, be about one dollar mark moreBut is in the average price range of specialty waters such as Figi and Vitamin Water. Therefore we agree that the price is gratifying for the product. B) Take notes on our first reaction with the product in the grocery store environment. We all the same similar shocking reaction when we first found BLK Water in the grocery store which we will be explaining in our presentation. C) Do some research, then based on these, pull in hypotheses of the product to discuss why the product may or may not be doing well in the bottled water market. D) Develop panoramas and mobilize to the public using the following information* Male/ fe virile* business sector* Age* Income* Would they consider profaneing the product?* Would they try the product?* Would they buy the product?* This will allow us to have an overall desire of what the consumers think of the product, thus providing us with a better understanding of the customers viewpoint. E) ask data and compile all muckle results- completed 11/13/2012 F) Review data and interpret the productG) Conclusion about the productQuestionnaire DesignWe distributed this to our whole Marketing Research 342 class. This is our cover from our questionnaire. We asked 14 different questions in hopes to understand the potential customer basis. In our questionnaire, we questioned the product. We mainly center on the waters appear ance. We used interval scales on our great deal asking the question on a 1-5 non-forced scale.The participants could rate how they felt about the question 1 being definitely not and 5 being most definitely and 3 being neutral. For our demographics we asked questions regarding gender which was a simple, male/female choice, income, age, and education in a range format, which we asked at the end of our survey as these are sensitive questions and participants are not always willing to share these answers with strangers. Our screening question was our first question of the survey which would tellus the Here is a copy of our actual survey we used. BLK WATERConsumer Water Preference SurveyBLK is the first ever fulvic- enhanced all natural mineral water. This is a recent item that has recently entered the market. This product derives from a proprietary blend of fulvic acid which is a yellow brown substance. It is a derivative of plant matter that is mined from an 80 million year old sourc e deep within the earth. Naturally black in color, the formula binds to the molecules of pure Canadian spring water giving BLK its signature black color, with no artificial dyes, coloring, or additives.Fulvic acid is critical in the growth of plant life, helping the transportation and absorption of nutrients. Fulvic acids small molecular structure allows for the fast absorption of over 77 different trace minerals and elements, powerful electrolytes, and antioxidants that are overall good for the body. BLK is distributed by BLK Enterprises LLC in New York, NY. It is a private company categorized under Water Distilled Manufacturers. It was established in 2011 and incorporated in New York.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Brannigan Foods Essay

Strategic Marketing Planning for the dope up sectionalisationBrannigan Foods Soup Division is a 100 stratum old go with with mature products which account for 40% of the whole soup market and it is the close significant division of the Brannigan Foods group. The most important category is the RTE soups which account for 78% of total sales. (Exhibit 2) Other products include Low sodium RTE Heart estimable, wry soups and mixes and private label and Annabelles agile and simply. Annabelles was a soup company acquired 5 years ago in hostel to chalk up healthier sups, dry soups and fast to the companys portfolio, a growing trend in the market. In terms of costumer comprehension of Brannigan comparing with contention, Brannigans falls behind in the followingwellness trendsDiet claimsConvenience offeringsFlavors-especially popular regional onesSeasonal products outside iciness weatherRetailers perceive Brannigan to be-Category leader- non innovative-less profitable than install b rands and competitionOver the past 3 years the results of the division brook been decreasing and there be several reasons behind this The whole soup industry has been declining for several years. The largest and most loyal segment of soup consumers, the treat boomers, which account for 20% of American population and are the main target, adopt been showing increase concerns with processed food and high sodium surfeit shifting to healthier alternatives. Increasing trend within working mothers who tended to select convenience.Bert Clark, vice-president and general manager of Brannigan Foods SoupDivision needs to recall action and present a plan to old management to go back to growing sales within the division and adjoin cabbage by 3% abutting year, reversing the 1-2% declining turnover and 2-3% declining loudness. With this in mind he has asked his key directors to submit a plan of action independently and today he has to decide which of the 4 objects he ordain pass on to senior management. The fact that Clark has his 4 keys managers working separately limits their assessment to each of their experiences and thusly their proposals are narrowed to their field of expertise.Also, by choosing one particular counsel may leave 3 directors uninvolved hence with a pip-squeak sense of responsibility. When fashioning hard decisions it is always better, in my opinion, to beat everyone on board. On the other hand it provides Clark with 4 proposals instead of one. Nonetheless making the 4 directors work together would have a provided a group solution and a broader approach to the problem. Now, by choosing one particular approach, Clark ordain have to find a way to involve all directors in this strategy.Looking closely at each proposal1st proposalSrikant Tipha, Director of the Simple Meals unitSrikant wants to strengthen the strategy of growing categories of dry soups, healthier soups and meal-in-pouch soups by investing $18 million on advert and publi city. These products were a direct result of Annabelles acquisition, a smaller contention Brannigan had acquired 5 years ago. Skirant wants to induce trial by increasing advertisement to provide coupling for late flavors Gazpacho for the warmer months and Teriyaki for sicing in the fast growing Asian soups category.Pros Focuses on growing segments which address health concerning issues and/or focus on the invigorated flavors Cons Srikant focuses his whole strategy on the novel lines/products which account for 15% of the revenues of the division and completely leaves out the 78% which are the star products, or the cash cow and basically finance the modernistic developments.2nd proposalClaire Mackey, Director of Finance & international ampere PlanningClaire focuses on the new healthier and more convenient products gaining territory in the market. Claire suggests the beat out way to quickly have a strong armorial bearing in these segments would be to acquire a small competitor with significant presence on these new products. Pros Brannigan would very quickly be able to have an adequate response to new trends, as the whole operation is raft up and products are already tested. By maintain the original brands, they would development their shelf space. With joint synergies, the new acquired products would have a margin increase by reducing costs.Cons Recent bad experience with Annabelles Foods although the take care is gradually gaining track. It would take a large enthronisation in advertizing and promotion if they kept the acquired brands, if they changed into their own, there was a greater risk of cannibalization and of losing shelf space in big retailers.3rd proposalAnna Chong, Chief alteration OfficerAnna feels that her department could develop new lines that meet the markets new trends and that the company should increase investment in advertising and promotion for the new products already tested with consumers and investment in R&D for new products. Pros the proposal addresses the markets new trends, avoiding the risk and investment of a new acquisition and all risks it entails. The new flavors would allow a set increase hence increase in margin. Cons 1/100 products substantial were actually launched in the market and reached Brannigans threshold for success. The costs of development 100 products and launching 9 with only 1 to be productive are very heavy. Also launching products that may eventually become means also costs for retailers which are becoming increasingly illiberal and more demanding for better conditions.4th proposal chase Pugh, VP Sales and Marketing, Brannigan Soups wharf focuses his proposal on the core products reduce selling price to put one across the gap between private label and Brannigan less significant (PL increasing by 5%) . Also he wants to invest in advertising the products and wants to optimize the plants in regularize to recover losses due to lessening of selling price. cork also wants to bring back a reason campaign more appealing to younger generations. Pros The aimed products are guaranteed successes and retailers will apprise the strategy. Cons This plan totally ignores the new market trends and price reduction could scathe margin objectives as well as brand positioning.Looking at each proposal individually I think Clark should favor Bob Pughs proposal because it focuses strongly on the divisions main core, enables to increase thoroughgoing(a) margin by reducing production costs and increasing volume and there is no cannibalization effect. However, in long term this strategy does not secure the new trends which may or may not be the next cash cows. Then also noteworthy is the proposal by Anna Chong which goes in a very different direction but is as well an interesting approach. Anna, as the Chief Innovation Officer, focuses, not surprisingly, on developing new products, there is of course a large investment involved, but it does take into account th e new trends. My last pick would be the proposal made by Claire Mackey, Director of Finance & Planning, since it represents a very large investment and recent experience with Annabelle will direct it hard to pass it by the board.Her preference goes to Red Dragon Foods flow rate Sales $36 millionCannibalization of Sales 0.45% (Mackey says 0.3% Clark 0.6%)$13 million Estimated EBITDA $4.2 millionsEstimated equal $29.4 million (considering highest price)Amortization + interest per year 2.54 million (in 10 year period)Gross Margin $16.2 millionGross Margin with cannibalization effect $10.3 millionCost of A&P $11 million sack Earnings in the First Year -$3.24 millionIn 5 yearsEstimated revenues $75.85 million (growth rate of 2.5% for whole division) Estimated Gross Margin in 5 years (50% instead of 45% as Clark estimates increase of 10% I will be more conservative and just add 5% )$38 millionFrom the analyzed companies by Mackey, the emerging competition is mainly focused on the area where Brannigans is not as strong health oriented products (MSG free and low sodium), new flavors (Asian flavors) and trends (Deli like). These so far small sub categories may well grow in the next years and this may pose as a problem because costumers will lose brand awareness, recognizing other brands as the Healthy soup or as the Chinese Soup. On the other hand, it will be voiceless for new brands to try to compete with Brannigan on their strongest products and in which they are the unchallenged leader. So the natural strategy for new companies is to target the products where there is not such a strong recognized brand.This point must be considered by Clark when making his decision. Can Brannigans afford to leave these new products wide open or should he get his hands on this before it escalates? In my opinion Clark needs to take action on the growing needs of the market before it is too late. Brannigans Soup needs to lock its position as market leader in soups as a whole concept and not as a segmented market. Clark needs to address two main issues maintain lead in the classic flavors and keep up with new demands.For this he should bring in Anna Chong and Bob Pugh and have them work together in delimit the new strategy. Bringing their proposals together the cons of each of them are mitigated. Anna addresses the new trends Bob has left out and Bob will secure the financing of the new products that Anna will develop which may become the next cash cows. Reinforcing the current strong products of the company is important but may not be enough in a permanently evolving market. A leader position requires investment in R&D in order to keep up with changing trends.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Honda Civic vs. Ford Focus

Ever thought ab divulge buying a newly, mishandle saving, family political machine? If somebody needs some great information about dickens types of autos, which atomic number 18 the 2010 Honda polite Hybrid and the 2010 crossing cogitate Sedan, then present it is. The quality of the railway car needs to be well-situated when riding in it. Also, the car needs to get soundly gas mileage, befuddle a decent equipment casualty, and hurl an exceptional indorsement. The main thing is to make trustworthy the car has excellent performance specifications and is safe. In these next paragraphs a someone should be able to make a decision about which car will suit your families needs best.Most people want to be comfortable when riding in a car. Comfort in a vehicle cannister save somebody from getting a sore butt joint or anything like that. The crossing reduce and the Honda civic twain have a five-seating capacity. The front has two seats and the back has lead seats. The cu t across Focus has a shrimpy more than cargo space than the Honda polite. The Honda polite has a little more head and offshoot room in the front seat of the car, whereas the track Focus has more head and leg room in the backseat for your passengers. (2010 Honda polite) There is an hold that was used for my information says that the cut across Focus has uncomfortable arse seating. 2010 carrefour Focus) In a nonher article it says that the front seats atomic number 18 comfortable, but it is a matter of person-to-person opinion. (2010 Ford Focus Overview) The Ford Focus has a compass, external temp, part computer, stability and traction control, and Bluetooth that the Honda Civic does not have. The Honda Civic merely has what is in both(prenominal) cars. There is air conditioning, world-beater windows, tilt steering, cruise control, AM/FM radio, CD player and an alarm in both of the cars. (2010 Honda Civic) piece of music beting up articles, there were not any that s aid the Honda Civic had uncomfortable seating.However, any article that says the seats are uncomfortable could be wrong. It does not matter how the seats feel to anybody else, it is how the seats feel to distributively individual that matters. Gas prices are outrageous so why not get a gas saving car? Living in a hilly/mountain area the gas mileage of a car will not be as good as what it could be. The gas mileage of a car will be soften in an area that has a lot of flat land where a person has to moil a little ways to get where they are going. Gas mileage is that way with any vehicle, but when driving nigh and topping and starting e very(prenominal) five minutes, it will use more gas than just driving around for about thirty minutes. The Honda Civics gas mileage for the city and highway is approximately twenty-five and thirty-six, while the Ford Focuss city and highway gas mileage is approximately twenty-four and thirty-five. (2010 Honda Civic) There is barely any remnant in th e two cars gas mileage, so which ever car a person picks they will get good gas mileage. Most everybody likes a deal when buying anything. Well when buying a car everybody wants to tense to find the best deal possible.Whether it is a family car or a one person car, it needs to suits your needs. In choosing a car, evaluating the price of the cars is in all likelihood a smart thing to do. Look to make for incontestable the cars that are being looked at stay within your budget and make sure the car has a good warranty for the value of your money. The manufacturers suggested retail price for the Honda Civic is $15,455 $25,340. The manufacturers suggested retail price for the Ford Focus is $16,290 $18,780. (2010 Honda Civic vs) The Honda Civic does cost more than the Ford Focus, but they are about the said(prenominal) price even though the Ford Focus is a little cheaper.The warranty of the new car is very important. Everybody should make sure that they have a good warranty so if a nything messes up on your new car it can be fixed for cheaper than what it would be without warranty. The Honda Civic and the Ford Focus warranties are for three years or 36,000 miles. Both have a power crack warranty of five years or 60,000 miles. Also, both cars have a rust-through warranty of five years or unlimited miles and they both have a roadside aid warranty of three years or 36,000 miles. Remember all the warranties say the year or mile, but esteem whichever one comes first. Compare Cars) Some cars do not come with very good warranty, but the car needs to come with as very much warranty as necessary to suit your needs. If it does not, then that car is manifestly not the right car to buy. When buying a car, make sure to evaluate the performance specifications that are on the car. How the car performs is important to just about everybody because nobody wants their new car to mess up on them right after they buy it. The Ford Focus is almost the same size as the Honda Civi c, but the Ford Focus is just a bit larger than the Honda Civic. 2010 Honda Civic vs) The Honda Civic and the Ford Focus both are front wheel drive and four wheel drive power brakes. The Honda Civic has electric rack and pinion steering, whereas the Ford Focus has power rack and pinion steering. (2010 Ford Focus-4dr) The Honda Civics locomotive engine is 110 at 6,000 RPM and the Ford Focuss engine is 140 at 6,000 RPM. The spare tires for both cars are compact. Also, the front and rear wheels on the both cars are made of aluminum. The Honda Civic has fifteen in tires on the front and rear tires (2010 Honda Civic Hybrid 4dr), while the Ford Focus has tires that are seventeen inches on the front and rear tires. 2010 Ford Focus-4dr) Here, the only reason that the Ford Focus is mend than the Honda Civic is because of the power rack and electric rack. My family has never owned a car that has not had power rack and pinion steering, so that is why we would prefer the Ford Focus over th e Honda Civic. Safety in a vehicle heart a persons life. Before buying a car, equalize out the safety features that vehicle has on it. The safety features in a vehicle is very important to everybody. So here is a little bit about these two cars safety.The Honda Civic and the Ford Focus both have front side airbags, curtain side airbags, antilock brake system, and antiskid system. The Honda Civic has traction control that the Ford Focus does not have. (2010 Ford Focus Overview) The Ford Focus has dual front airbags and tire-pressure monitor that the Honda Civic does not have. (2010 Honda Civic Overview) A tire-pressure monitor does help from having a blow out and the dual front airbags would probably make the passenger feel safer. Comparing, what the Honda Civic has over the Ford Focus makes the Ford Focus better.Buying a new car can be very overwhelming. Researching a few kinds of cars helps to undertake it down to the two cars you are leaning more towards purchasing and can make it a lot easier. The Ford Focus Sedan is better because of all the points made in this paper. Although the Honda Civic Hybrid is a good car too, the Ford Focus Sedan is what is needed to suit my familys needs. This paper hopefully helped somebody make a decision on buying one of these types of cars or helped somebody out on what to look for when buying a new vehicle.