
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I'm not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

I'm not sure - Essay Example behavior which are wisdom, trustworthiness, sobriety, righteousness and kindness Confucianism is a way of life sometimes considered a religion and sometimes spiritual philosophy. Taoist beliefs are a way of life including ways of your daily activities i.e. meditation, breathing, diet, use of natural materials. Taoism is all about staying aligned with the natural and basic way of life which the humans have gotten far away from, it’s about the natural cycle of our life system and planet. Both Taoist and Confucian beliefs share the same meaning, they have co-existed in China for over 2000 years. Both of these started as philosophies and turned into religious beliefs. The difference between Taoism and Confucianism is that one relates itself with the search of meaning and the other guides through social matters respectively. 2) Compare and contrast the four schools of Japanese Buddhism we examined in class (Pure Land of Honen and Shinran, Nichiren Buddhism, and Zen) with regard to the issue of self-power (jiriki) and other-power (tariki).  Ã‚  Discuss the implications of each schools position in relation to religious practice and attitude toward human possibilities in the age of  mappo. Pure Land Buddhism is the concept of Honen, a religious reformer. Relating to the teachings of Buddha Honen derived a concept of saving oneself once fallen to the dark depths of life through following the pure land teachings which is a way to salvation and liberation. Pure land Buddhism is and easy path to follow with a few basic beliefs and revolving around discovering one’s inner strength to attain spiritual freedom. Pure land tells that people must use their inner strength in order to improve where as in Shinran beliefs it’s said to entrust oneself to Amida Buddha ( Tariki â€Å"other power† ) which triggers belief and faith and lets Buddha work in the believers mind. According to Shinran true religious state is when not human himself but spirituality i.e. faith heals his inner

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Essay Example for Free

The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Essay The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not descriptive of a catalytic event but a chronic conflict that has persisted for more than half a century. The military and political ramifications of the conflict in Palestine and the Arab world are nothing but huge (Barsalou 2003; Bregman El-Tahiri 1998). For years the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has trudged on dotted with what has currently been accepted as twists and turns of small successes and persistent failure of the peace process at large. The underlying issues are as broad as the range of interventions that can be used to solve them but the political will to enforce recommendations has been lacking ever since Israel self declared its independence and Palestine in collaboration with the Arab world declared war on the Israeli state. However, the complexity of the eventualities that led to the collapse of the peace process can not forever prevent the success of any future interventions so long as key issues are straightened out. As the peace process remains stalled, any future intervention will have to desist from pushing partial agreements and instead advocate for a comprehensive and sustainable7 final status agreement. There is need to avoid sequenced confidence building strategies that had been prevalent with the past peace process negotiations. This is crucial to prevent the peace process from becoming a hostage to security. Instead both parties in the negotiation table should be encouraged to adopt a strategy that promotes a mutual and comprehensive ceasefire by both the Israelis and the Palestinians (Brown2009). The Israeli government should freeze all construction developments in occupied territories because these settlements are in contravention of international law. Abidance to such preliminary conditions is critical in driving the negotiations to sustainable resolution of underlying issues and subsequently the charting out of a final status document that is agreeable for all the negotiating parties. As the international community; the United States included, continues to provide support towards the democratization and the creation of the Palestinian state, it should be understood that such sovereignty cannot be achieved under conditions akin to military occupation, thus the ceasefires. It is a fact that with America spearheading the peace process, Palestinians and the Arab world will never believe in the impartiality of the mediator. Thus, if America is to continue being the mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the United States must restore its credibility as an impartial and honest broker by adopting an even handed role. The nature of America’s Middle East foreign policies is a slap in the face of their supposed stance of impartiality. The military and economic cooperation with the Israelis will only serve to advance the understanding that America can only drive the negotiation to endpoints that are in congruence with its own interests and values such as the advancement of democracy and equal rights. Such positions even if unbiased in America’s perspective may not be in congruence with the desires of the Palestinian populace (Avineri 2001; Baddar 2007; Carpenter 2008). The failure of the United States to exert considerable pressure on Israel on important concessions of the peace process negotiations remain a great stumbling block to the realization of sustainable peace. As opposed to earlier formulations of the peace process, a sustainable peace process should allow the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to be driven by principles of international law. This would mark a paradigm shift from the current status quo. Basing the peace negotiations on international law ensures the neutrality of mediation. Moreover, under international law, Israel will have to stop settlements in territories that are not recognized under international law as well as improving on the definition and clarity of negotiations based on neutrality. Additionally, such a shift would make the negotiations and the final resolution of the conflict acceptable to the international community. Only international law can level the playing field in the peace process negotiations. If such a strategy is used the final resolution will not only be reflection of justice but also ensure that the fundamental rights of the Palestinians are respected. If negotiations proceed as per the current status quo, the final resolutions that are not in congruence to international law may not be easy to implement. The international community and especially the United Nations should be involved in the pursuit of novel approaches of solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Daalder et al 2006). This call is not only urgent but late in coming. The failure of the Israeli-Palestinian peace processes has been partly attributable to the insistence of keeping out the United Nation in the peace negotiations. The specially scripted negotiations such as the Oslo Process and even the RoadMap to peace by various mediatory parties have only led to persistent stagnation and hopelessness among the Palestinians (Greenstein 2003; Rubenberg 2003). It is only in the best interest of the international community that the United Nations steps in to give the Palestinians hope and steer the peace process to sustainability. Finally, it should not be lot on all negotiating parties that any strategy should conclusively address and resolve the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In essence, the sidestepping of the real causative issues in the conflict has been at the core of the failures of the peace process. Infact, the conflict only arose when the native Palestinians were dispossessed of their land during the establishment of the State of Israel. Moreover, when it comes to the question of the Palestinian refugees, Israel has consistently refused to make an alteration on its position preferring instead to disregard the existence of legitimate rights of these populations. The important of the centrality of the refugee question based on international law is thus critical in future negotiations. In conclusion, the Palestinians must, as a matter of criticality in the peace process, accept the existence of Israel as a state because failure to accept that single historical eventuality will automatically stagnate the peace process. So long as the ideals of liberating Palestine from Israeli occupation coupled to the complex desires of the Muslim fundamentalists are supremely put to the fore in the negotiation process, Israel will undoubtedly maintain its hard-line stance on the need to protect its citizens from external extremist attacks and consequently continue to create a buffer zone between Israel and Palestine. The political instability of Palestine is also a detriment to the pursuit of lasting peace. Palestine must strive to create a stable government that is not only representative of the entire Palestinian populace but also possess the full political and military authority to upkeep the recommendations of the peace process. In this stride, the international community should help Palestinians through interventions that are acceptable to the world at large because the ongoing extremism, fundamentalism and resultant political instability is not beneficial to pursuit of global peace and security. References Avineri, S. (2001). A Realistic U. S Role in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. http://www. carnegieendowment. org/publications/index. cfm? fa=viewid=866 Baddar, Omar. (2007). US Policy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Hotel InterContinental, New Orleans, LA, Jan 03, 2007 Not Available. 2009-02-04 http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p154225_index. html Barsalou, J. (2003). The Long Road to Palestinian Reform. Middle East Policy; 10:1, 154-164 Bregman, A. , El-Tahiri,J. (1998). The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs. London: Penguin,1998; 1-15 Brown, N.. Palestine and Israel: Time for Plan B. Policy Brief, February 2009; No 78 http://carnegieendowment. org/publications/index. cfm? fa=viewid=22792prog=zgpproj=zme Carpenter,T. G. (2008). Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America. Cato Institute; 122 Daalder, I. H. , Gnesotto, N. , Gordon, P. H. (2006). Crescent of crisis: U. S. -European strategy f for the greater Middle East. Brookings Institution Press; 48 Greenstein, F. I. (2003). The George W. Bush presidency: an early assessment. JHU Press; 110-115 Rubenberg, C. (2003). The Palestinians: in search of a just peace. Lynne Rienner Publishers; 286-290

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Vet Shadow Day :: essays papers

vet shadow day When I first arrived â€Å"Lisa† The girl that I shadowed told me that there was an emergency with one of the animals. It ended up that a one-year-old beagle ate an entire thing of metabolite, and then slowly started to die. The liver had shut down, and the heart rate was up to 300. Lisa told me that taking a thing of metabolite was like taking 50 cups of coffee at once. The owners of the beagle were there and bowling. The beagle’s name was Murry. Murry's body slowly was shutting down one thing after another. The owners made the decision the dog was going to be put to sleep. We got the dog ready to be taken out. They undid all the cords from the dog so they could take it to another room. I said goodbye to the dog, and then they took it into the other room so that the owners could be there when they put him to sleep. After that happened they then had to put a sleep a little hedgehog that had cancer on its mouth. We then did two regular checkups with one cat a nd with one dog. Those when great. After that we had a dog come in and it ended up having an affection that might end up killing it. I never heard the end result. The last thing that I did there was that a black lab had been bitten by another dog, and that dog ripped a hole in the neck of the black lab. The doctors had to perform surgery on the dog to close up the holes in the neck. They first had to clean it out with qutips. And blood stated to come out right then I was a little dizzy and I thought I was going to faint. But thank god I didn’t. I saw a cat get dental work on it. And a cat get a bath and they had to blow dry it and brush the hair while it was a sleep. I thought that the work place environment was very clean and very professional. On my pictures on the poster it shows you that they even had a place for dogs to go in and a separate place for cats to go in they also have different waiting rooms for each of them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pertussis caused by Pertussis toxin

B. Pertussis is a bacterium that is responsible for causing whooping cough. The symptoms and signs develop as a result of action of the Pertussis toxin on the upper respiratory tract (containing ciliated ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium). The individual develops several episodes of uncontrollable coughing. The characteristic whoop sound is heard during the cough. It develops especially when the individual is breathing in. The individual also develops fever, diarrhoea and a running nose .Before understanding the mechanism by which the toxin acts (that is a transduction mechanism), it is important that the physiology of transduction is understood. Receptors are present on the surface of a cell which helps it to communicate with its external world. Specific molecules bind with these receptors present in the external environment and are recognised by the cell. Once these molecules bind to the receptors a cascade of intracellular signals may be produced which brings about sev eral processes and actions in the cell.A number of antigens or molecules can be recognised by receptors preset on the surface of the cell, following which signals are transmitted within the cell. The lymphocyte cells can bind with and recognise several antigens (belonging to various microorganism and foreign substances). The receptors which are present on the surface of the lymphocytes are made up of complexes containing multiple proteins. Some of the antigens are capable of binding with receptors present on the surface of the lymphocyte and stimulate them to divide further or differentiate into specific effectors cells having a certain function.Some of the antigens are also capable of brining about death of degeneration of the cell. The receptors present on the two types of lymphocytes may be different from each other and are able to recognise different molecules or antigens. However, in both lymphocytes, the intracellular signal pathway is similar. Ultimately, the nucleus is activ ated and alterations occur in the genes to enable a reaction from the lymphocyte (including gene expression) . Receptors are present on the surface of the cell, where molecules bind, and the cell is able to identify the molecule that has attached.The receptor proteins are able to produce a signal once the molecule has attached to the receptor. This signal is transmitted across the plasma membrane, and brings about intracellular events. Signal transduction is a process by which signals are transformed from one form to another. The transformation of the intracellular signal ensures that the message is transmitted in a forward direction, to its destination. The signal may be transmitted to various portions of the cell and may be also get amplified. Finally, the nucleus receives the intracellular signal and the genetic transcription helps to bring about division of the cell .Most of the studies conducted currently for signal transduction were performed on animals, and only a few are con ducted on human subjects . Hence, a lot need to be studied in the field of signal transduction. In some receptors present on the surface of the cell, once antigens are bound with specific molecules, certain ion channels are opened up and an ionic gradient exists that works as an intracellular signal. In certain other cells, when the receptor combines with the molecule, a change in the protein occurs that causes the cytoplasm to get stimulated, resulting in transmission of intracellular signals.When the receptor combines with the specific molecule, a signal is transmitted that enables the receptors to cluster on the surface of the cell. This clustering results in the receptor producing a very strong signal. The exact manner in which the receptors clustering occur is still not understood. However, if the cell contacts another cell that has several copies of the MHC protein complex, they begin to recognise it and cluster around . The receptors present on the cell, usually bring about i ntracellular signals by stimulating the enzyme protein tyrosine kinase (they add phosphate group to tyrosine residues).The receptors on the cytoplasmic front contain tyrosine kinase that is usually inactive. However, when clustering occurs, they begin to stimulate each other through transphosphorlyation, which further activate the biochemical signalling molecules present in the cytoplasm. On the antigen front of the receptor, no tyrosine kinase is available and hence the cytoplasmic front combines with the tyrosine kinase present in the cytoplasm. During clustering, the enzymes are closer to each other, which help to activate the intracellular signalling mechanism.The biochemical activity of the cell is regulated by phosphorylation of the enzymes and proteins by the tyrosine kinase. Phosphorylation makes certain enzymes active, and once they are dephosphorylated (by the enzyme protein phosphatase), they become inactive. Once an enzyme is phosphorylated, new binding sites are created for the target proteins . Phospholipase C-gamma enzyme is present at the tyrosine receptor or the plasma membrane and can attach itself to phosphotryrosine. This enzyme amplifies and forwards the signal.Once tyrosine kinase gets phosphrylated, the phopholipid is broken down into 2 components, namely DAG and IP3. Many DAG and IP3 molecules are produced from single molecules of PLC-gamma, and in this way the signal gets amplified. The IP3 combines with the receptors present on the endoplasmic reticulum, causing the release of calcium ions, and thus raising the level of calcium intracellularly. The signal is maintained even when the Calcium ions are exhausted, as calcium channels present on the cell membrane are opened and the extra-cellular calcium flows in.The Calcium ion binding protein Calmodulin is also activated that controls the activity of other enzymes present in the cell. The signal is transmitted to the nucleus. DAG on the other hand activates the enzyme Protein kinase C. T hey may act in several mechanisms to finally ensure that the signal has reached the nucleus . Calmodulin also controls the activity of the enzyme adenylate cyclase produced by the human cell GTP-proteins help to transmit the signal from the tyrosine kinase receptors to the nucleus. Ras is the most common type of GTP-proteins.It may be activated once the molecule comes in contact with the receptor. Ras can be bound to GTP or GDP. The GDP form of Ras is inactive compared to the GTP. This inter-conversion is brought about by the enzyme Ras-GTPase. Usually, the GTP-proteins are present in an inactive form and are activated once the specific molecule comes in contact with the receptor. GDP can also be converted to GTP by GEF’s. Activation of GTP-proteins leads to activation of several protein kinases (known as ‘MAP-kinase’). MAP-kinase can bring about phophrylation and activation of nucleus transcription .B. Pertussis sticks to the cell with the help of â€Å"filamen tous hemagglutinin† (FHA). The Pertussis Toxin also helps to bind the bacterial cell to the host cell. During the colonization of the bacteria, the toxin plays a very important role in invasion . The substance Filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) produced by B. Pertussis combines with the receptor integrin present on the plasma membrane. This in turn stimulates increased binding of another portion of FHA with another receptor present on the plasma membrane known as ‘complement receptor-3’ (CR-3).In this way as the binding of the B. Pertussis antigen is increased with the receptors present on the plasma membrane, the signal produced is strong . The Pertussis Toxin mainly helps the bacterial cell to attach itself to the epithelium of the trachea. The Pertussis toxin is made up of 5 subunits (obtained through the process of gel electrophoresis), namely S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4 and S-5. In fact, the S-4 component is two in number . The subunit S-4 is present in a larger ratio co mpared to the others.The Pertussis toxin has two components namely, A-promoter (S-1) which brings about the toxin enzymatic activity, and B-oligomer (S-2, S-3, S-4 and S-5), which helps the toxin to bind to the receptor present on the plasma membrane. The Pertussis toxin produces several physiological effects including rise in the lymphocyte count, activating the islet cells to release greater amounts of insulin and exaggerating the effects of histamine. The physiological effects of Pertussis toxin mainly brings about it effect on the G-i component of the adenylate cyclase.The toxin works by ADP-ribosylation of G-i protein provided by the S-1 component of the toxin . Compared to normal stimuli, activation with the Pertussis toxin results in greater accumulation of the cAMP within the cells. Agents that obstruct production of cAMP are inactivated by the Pertussis toxin. When the cell is affected with Pertussis toxin and toxin acts on G-i protein, the responses to various chemotactic agents are reduced, suggesting that G-i plays a very important role in the development of immunity.Transducin is Guanine-protein present in the rods and the cones that activates cyclic AMP-selective phosphodiesterase. ADP-ribosylation of tranducin is also stimulated by Pertussis toxin . By altering the manner in which G-proteins are bound, the bacterial toxin can obstruct the signal transduction process. The toxin brings about ADP-ribosylation of certain alpha subunits of the G-protein component of adenylate cyclase namely G-i, G-o, G-t, G-gust, and G-s is not converted to G-olf. Once G-i is ribosylated, the enzyme adenylate cyclase is reduced increasing the level of cAMP .Once the levels of cAMP are raised, the function of the phagocytic cells is reduced (such as chemotaxis, engulfment, bactericidal action, etc) . The S-1 component of the Pertussis toxin is united with the B-oligomer portion in a non-covalent manner. The B-oligomer portion helps the toxin to attach to the receptor present on the plasma membrane. Without the B-oligomer portion, the S-1 component of the Pertussis toxin is unable to pass through the cell . The S-2 and the S-3 components of the Pertussis Toxin mainly help in adhesion of the cell to the host cells.Ciliated epithelial cells contain a glycolipid that helps the S-2 component to bind, whereas the phagocyctic cells contain glycoprotein that helps to bind the S-3 component . Certain opioid receptors are present on the surface of the cell that is linked with the G-protein receptor family. Once the opioid receptors have been activated by the Pertussis toxin, the G-proteins that are sensitive to the Pertussis toxin (namely G-i and/or G-o) are stimulated. The ADP-ribose portion of the NAD is transferred to the G-i. G-i gets inactivated and does not obstruct adenylate cyclase.The intracellular concentration of cAMP increases because the transformation of ATP to AMP cannot be controlled . This results in generation of an intracellular signal which activates the gene transcription in the nucleus and brings about cell division. Once the opioid receptor has been activated, the enzyme Adenylate cyclase is decreased and the Cyclic AMP levels present in the cell are increased. Calcium channels are repressed and inward flow of potassium ions are stimulated by the opioid receptors. When the opioid receptors were stimulated, neuronal excitability reduced.Opioid receptors activation can also bring about activation of the MAP-kinase. Once this occurs, arachidonate may be released and genes c-fos and jun-B are expressed . BvgA and BvgS proteins help the B. Pertussis to express adhesions, virulence factors and toxins. BvgA appear similar to the regulator component, whereas BvgS appears similar to the regulator and sensory component. This system helps to bring about phosphorylation cascade following sensory inputs. As transmission and receiving can occur in this system, a signal pathway system does exist.The cytoplasmic front of the BvgS autophosphorylates with ATP (r-phosphate portion). BvgA is phosphorylated following transfer of BvgS of the phosphate group to the Asp. Gene expression may occur in relation to phosphrylation of BvgA . The human IL-1 stimulates release of kappa Ig-L by the pre-B Cell lines, IL-2R by the Natural Killer cell Lines and PGE2 by the rheumatoid synvovial cells. However, all these IL-stimulated factors are reduced by the Pertussis toxin, which may be associated the cAMP production.As IL-1 stimulates GTPase activity, Pertussis Toxin brought about a reduction in GTPase activity. Pertussis toxin also stimulated ADP-ribosylation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase in the membrane of cells that are usually activated in cells sensitive to IL-1 . Once the cell is affected with the Pertussis toxin, agents that would otherwise obstruct the collection of cAMP are no longer effective. The Pertussis toxin brings about certain cell transduction mechanism that further enables the cell to be invaded by the microorganism .Many of the bacterial toxins such as Cholera Toxin, E. coli labile toxin and the Pertussis toxin act in the same manner and produce the same effect (that is a rise in the cAMP levels of the cell). However, the symptoms and signs of each of these disorders are different. This is mainly because the target tissues and cells of each of these toxins are different. The Pertussis toxin mainly acts on the epithelium of the respiratory tract causing several symptoms such as whoop, cough, breathing problems and cyanosis .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gender Politics and Roles in a Horror Film Essay

Gender politics in horror films are not all that difficult to comprehend mainly because they devise a specific role for the various genders. That is the gender politics are little more than a variant on class roles in society. In fact, even an individual who has a passing interest in horror films can see that the heroes and villains are male and the victims are predominantly women. This is the common, tried and true cliched method of â€Å"cranking out† horror movies on an assembly line basis. There are, of course, some excellent horror films that alter the generic methodology of producing horror films that prescribe to a single minded of opinions of what are the â€Å"proper† gender roles that are found in horror movies. Often, we see men as the hero and women as either the victim or the hero. In reality, when it comes to gender roles in horror films there really are no differences because these different roles are based on human interpretations deriving from external opinion; in the film itself it is the â€Å"monster† that defines the role and the monster invariably defines the role of all human – regardless of gender – as prey. When it comes to drive in theater/direct to DVD releases, serious study is often difficult. Films that are cranked out to cash in on a niche market are generally not works of art. Those horror films that do rise to a higher level of art, however, can provide a brilliant insight into the multitude of variances of gender roles that exist. In examining gender roles in horror films, one could split the genre into two halves: the pre-ALIEN era and the post-ALIEN era. In the era prior to 1979’s landmark film ALIEN, the perceived role of women was that of the unwilling victim who was Gender Roles in Horror Films – Page 2 menaced by the vampire, werewolf, artificial construct et al and needed a hero to save her. This is referred to as a perceived appearance because the role of the female character was actually much stronger then that in certain films. (In the more â€Å"B grade† films the role of the victim was a cardboard one lacking in any depth) With the release of ALIEN, a female character was presented as a strong adversary of the monster. Instead of needing to be saved, the female heroine defeats the monster quite handily. This would become the more common female role in horror movies. Unfortunately, this more active role would be perverted into â€Å"the last victim† stereotype crafted in the slasher films of the 1980’s; a role that still exists for many female characters to this very day. Of course, not all female gender roles are heroines or victims. The recent release of SAW III brought back the lesser used concept of the female villain. The most famous example could be found in 1932’s underrated DRACULA’S DAUGHTER. While the role of the female vampire was effective, there was little interest in continuing to use females in â€Å"horror movie heavy roles†. The usage of a female in a horror role was limited although it was not without precedent. A female werewolf debuted in lost werewolf film unimaginatively titled THE WEREWOLF. (Female werewolves would return in such films as SHE WOLF OF LONDON and CRY OF THE WEREWOLF) But, this particular role was limited. Further roles of females in the monster role range from the exploitative (THE VAMPIRE LOVERS) to the downright silly (FRANKENSTEIN’S DAUGHTER) to the brilliant (THE EXORCIST) While this particular gender role of Gender Roles in Horror Films – Page 3 villainess is limited it is not without precedent and it does occasionally appear. In rare instances, it is done effectively as seen in films such as the aforementioned SAW III and THE DEVIL’S REJECTS. There are questions that need to be raised in terms of how a woman’s role vs. a male role in a horror film is devised. While some may look for a profound answer to this the real answer is somewhat mundane. That is to say, the roles presented in many of these films are simply reflections of common themes. Consider the following assessment: â€Å"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, please in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects a fantasy onto the female figure, which is styled accordingly. In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact†¦ † (Mulvey 203) In other words, the gender roles prevalent in most horror films was simply what the audience had grown accustom to expecting. If the audiences of the 1930’s sat down in a dark theater in the 1930’s and were treated to a female hero in DRACULA or KING KONG the films would have been radically different in their narrative. Audiences generally expected a common role for men and women in horror films and any departure from these roles may run the risk of being rejected. Well, they will not be rejected if they are scripted well. In the 1976 KING KONG remake, Jessica Lang’s dopey dialogue to Kong did change her role from the frightened Fay Wray of the original film, but not in a good way. Screaming at the top of your lungs at the sight of a monstrous ape makes sense. Looking at a gigantic amorous Gender Roles in Horror Films – Page 4 ape and saying â€Å"This isn’t going to work out† is just outright silly. It simply is not the role people expect in a situation of grave terror. But traditional roles do not always exhibit passivity. In a way, Fay Wray’s fear and terror is not so much submission or passivity as much as it is obstinate. She rejects Kong and stands up for herself. Her screams are screams of defiance and such defiance throws Kong off his game plan. As such, her role is really not as passive as one would assume. She does stand up to the creature, but unlike Jessica Lange’s obtuse reaction Wray’s reaction is believable. This is what makes her defiance believable. In a way, gender roles in horror films really more blurred than most would initially assume. Consider the following conclusion: â€Å"From its beginning gothic writing entwined culture and economy as well as blurring sexual boundaries and disturbing aesthetic and moral categories. † (Botting 135) On the surface, many would be disinclined to agree with such a statement. After all, what blurring of gender roles are there to be found in a horror film? Prior to ALIEN, the roles of men and women were starkly contrasted. In the post ALIEN world, women take on a more active role. This is hardly blurring. In fact, the roles are fairly obvious and pronounced. Again, this is what might appear to be the fact on the surface because on the surface we are looking at the actual action of the characters. The roles of the characters do not change regardless of the decade the film was produced. That is to say, humans – whether they are male or female – remain victims in horror films. Gender Roles in Horror Films – Page 5 That is, Ripley may be active in ALIEN but she is the prey of the alien no different from the role of Fay Wray in KING KONG. Even in 1942’s THE WOLFMAN we can see a variant of this. Consider Evelyn Ankers role in the film: her character Gwen is far from a weak female. She is a very independent and strong character. At the film’s climax, she goes out in the woods by herself looking for her boyfriend even though she knows a werewolf is prowling. Of course, the werewolf attacks her because that is what werewolves do. The werewolf – like aliens, vampires and giant monsters – only sees humans as prey. The creature often does not see gender roles. The role to the creature is irrelevant beyond seeing humans as victims. Victims are essentially the repressed regardless of their gender role. â€Å"What is primal Repression? Let us call it the ability of the speaking being always already haunted by the other, to divide, reject and repeat. Without one division, one separation one subject/object having been constituted†¦ why? Perhaps because of the maternal anguish, unable to be satisfied within the encompassing symbolic. † (Kristeva 12) As such, the gender role of the active male or active/passive female never really changes. The role they play is always reactive to the creature and this makes them perfect for the role of a victim. This may seem like a odd way of looking at the roles because it deviates from the commonality of what we are grown to expect in horror films. This is because â€Å"Cinema is at once a form of perception and a material perceived, a new way of encountering reality Gender Roles in Horror Films – Page 6 and a part of reality thereby discovered for the first time. † (Shaviro 40) That is, one of the benefits to enjoying a film is watching how humans are presented. Even in fantastic films such as the horror genre there is a unique insight into reality present and that particular reality is both the different roles genders play (passive/active) based on human perception and then there is the monsters perception: prey. As such, there are different roles and singular roles occurring at the same time. As Barker illustrates: â€Å"If she had been taciturn in the street, Anne-Marie was anything but in the privacy of her own kitchen. Gone was the guarded curiosity, to be replaced by a stream of lively chatter and constant scurrying between a half dozen minor domestic tasks, like a juggler keeping several states spinning at once. † (Barker 74) That is, a singular person can play many roles based on varying perceptions. While there are many different types of horror films, all horror films center on the common theme of predator and prey. While sometimes there may be variants to the role ( a sympathetic monster, a flawed human hero, etc) the end result always returns to the original theme: predators seek their prey. Sometimes, the prey is passive and sometimes the prey remains passive. Of course, prey can be both male and female and, unfortunately, the gender roles of the prey often follow common stereotypes. However, to the classic monster gender roles are irrelevant: to the monster all humans are prey and that trumps gender roles completely. This is not to say that there are no nuances found in the various gender roles. But, as far as the creature is concerned all humans are prey no matter how they act or react through the course of the film. Bibliography Barker, Clive. â€Å"The Forbidde. † In IN THE FLESH: TALES OF TERROR. New York: Poseidon Press, 1986. 67 – 108. Botting, F. â€Å"Candy Gothic. † In GOTHIC CAMBRIDGE: Boydell & Brewer, 2001. 133 – 151. Kristeva, Julia. â€Å"Powers of Horror: A Study in Abjection. † New York: Columbia University Press, 1982. Mulvey, Laura. â€Å"Visual Pleasure and Narrative cinema. † Shaviro, Steven. â€Å"Film Theory and Visual Fascination. † In THE CINEMATIC BODY. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 1993. 1 – 65.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, Military Commander

Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, Military Commander Napoleon Bonaparte (August 15, 1769–May 5, 1821), one of the greatest military commanders in history, was the twice-emperor of France whose military endeavors and sheer personality dominated Europe for a decade. In military affairs, legal issues, economics, politics, technology, culture, and society in general, his actions influenced the course of European history for over a century, and some argue, to this very day. Fast Facts: Napoleon Bonaparte Known For: Emperor of France, conqueror of much of EuropeAlso Known As: Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon 1st of France, The Little Corporal, The CorsicanBorn: August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, CorsicaParents: Carlo Buonaparte, Letizia RamolinoDied: May 5, 1821 on Saint Helena, United KingdomPublished Works: Le souper de Beaucaire (Supper at Beaucaire), a pro-republican pamphlet (1793); the Napoleonic Code, the French civil code (1804); authorized the publication of Description de lÉgypte, a multivolume work authored by dozens of scholars detailing Egypts archeology, topography, and natural history (1809-1821)Awards and Honors: Founder and grand master of the Legion of Honor (1802), the Order of the Iron Crown (1805), the Order of the Reunion (1811)Spouse(s): Josephine de Beauharnais (m. March 8, 1796–Jan. 10, 1810), Marie-Louise (m. April 2, 1810–May 5, 1821)Children: Napoleon IINotable Quote: Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it m ay perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them. Early Life Napoleon was born in Ajaccio, Corsica, on August 15, 1769, to Carlo Buonaparte, a lawyer and political opportunist, and his wife Marie-Letizia. The Buonapartes were a wealthy family from the Corsican nobility, although when compared to the great aristocracies of France, Napoleons kin were poor. Napoleon entered the military academy at Brienne in 1779. He moved to the Parisian École Royale Militaire in 1784 and graduated a year later as a second lieutenant in the artillery. Spurred on by his fathers death in February 1785, the future emperor had completed in one year a course that often took three. Early Career Despite being posted on the French mainland, Napoleon was able to spend much of the next eight years in Corsica thanks to his ferocious letter writing and rule-bending, as well as the effects of the French Revolution (which led to the French Revolutionary Wars) and sheer good luck. There he played an active part in political and military matters, initially supporting the Corsican rebel Pasquale Paoli, a former patron of Carlo Buonaparte. Military promotion also followed, but Napoleon became opposed to Paoli and when civil war erupted in 1793 the Buonapartes fled to France, where they adopted the French version of their name: Bonaparte. The French Revolution had decimated the republics officer class and favored individuals could achieve swift promotion, but Napoleons fortunes rose and fell as one set of patrons came and went. By December 1793, Napoleon was the hero of Toulon, a general and favorite of Augustin Robespierre; shortly after the wheel of revolution turned and Napoleon was arrested for treason. Tremendous political flexibility saved him and the patronage of Vicomte Paul de Barras, soon to be one of Frances three Directors, followed. Napoleon became a hero again in 1795, defending the government from angry counter-revolutionary forces; Baras rewarded Napoleon by promoting him to high military office, a position with access to the political spine of France. Napoleon swiftly grew into one of the countrys most respected military authorities, largely by never keeping his opinions to himself, and he married Josephine de Beauharnais in 1796. Rise to Power In 1796, France attacked Austria. Napoleon was given command of the Army of Italy, whereupon he welded a young, starving and disgruntled army into a force which won victory after victory against theoretically stronger Austrian opponents. Napoleon returned to France in 1797 as the nations brightest star, having fully emerged from the need for a patron. Ever a great self-publicist, he maintained the profile of a political independent, thanks partly to the newspapers he now ran. In May 1798, Napoleon left for a campaign in Egypt and Syria, prompted by his desire for fresh victories, the French need to threaten Britains empire in India and the Directorys concerns that their famous general might seize power. The Egyptian campaign was a military failure (although it had a great cultural impact) and a change of government in France caused Bonaparte to leave- some might say abandon- his army and return in the August 1799. Shortly after he took part in the Brumaire coup of November 1799, finishing as a member of the Consulate, Frances new ruling triumvirate. First Consul The transfer of power might not have been smooth, owing much to luck and apathy, but Napoleons great political skill was clear; by February 1800, he was established as the First Consul, a practical dictatorship with a constitution wrapped firmly around him. However, France was still at war with her fellows in Europe and Napoleon set out to beat them. He did so within a year, although the key triumph, the Battle of Marengo, fought in June 1800, was won by the French General Desaix. From Reformer to Emperor Having concluded treaties that left Europe at peace, Bonaparte began working on France, reforming the economy, legal system (the famous and enduring Code Napoleon), church, military, education, and government. He studied and commented on minute details, often while traveling with the army, and the reforms continued for most of his rule. Bonaparte exhibited skill as both legislator and statesmen. Napoleons popularity remained high, helped by his mastery of propaganda but also genuine national support, and he was elected Consulate for life by the French people in 1802 and Emperor of France in 1804, a title which he worked hard to maintain and glorify. Initiatives like the Concordat with the Church and the Code helped secure his status. Return to War Europe was not at peace for long. Napoleons fame, ambitions, and character were based on conquest, making it almost inevitable that his reorganized Grande Armà ©e would fight further wars. However, other European countries also sought conflict, for not only did they distrust and fear Napoleon, but they also retained their hostility toward revolutionary France. For the next eight years, Napoleon dominated Europe, fighting and defeating a range of alliances involving combinations of Austria, Britain, Russia, and Prussia. Sometimes his victories were crushing- such as Austerlitz in 1805, often cited as the greatest military victory ever- and at other times, he was either very lucky, fought almost to a standstill, or both. Napoleon forged new states in Europe, including the German Confederation- built from the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire- and the Duchy of Warsaw, while also installing his family and favorites in positions of great power. The reforms continued and Napoleon had an ever-increasing effect on culture and technology, becoming a patron of both the arts and sciences while stimulating creative responses across Europe. Disaster in Russia The Napoleonic Empire may have shown signs of decline by 1811, including a downturn in diplomatic fortunes and continuing failure in Spain, but such matters were overshadowed by what happened next. In  1812 Napoleon went to war with Russia, assembling a force of over 400,000 soldiers, accompanied by the same number of followers and support. Such an army was almost impossible to feed or adequately control and the Russians repeatedly retreated, destroying the local resources and separating Napoleons army from its supplies. Napoleon continually dithered, eventually reaching Moscow on Sept. 8, 1812, after the Battle of Borodino, a bludgeoning conflict where over 80,000 soldiers died. However, the Russians refused to surrender, instead torching Moscow and forcing Napoleon into a long retreat back to friendly territory. The Grande Armà ©e was assailed by starvation, extremes of weather and terrifying Russian partisans throughout, and by the end of 1812 only 10,000 soldiers were able to fight. Many of the rest had died in horrible conditions, with the camps followers faring even worse. A coup had been attempted in Napoleons absence from France and his enemies in Europe were reinvigorated, forming a grand alliance intent on removing him. Vast numbers of enemy soldiers advanced across Europe toward France, overturning the states Bonaparte had created. The combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and others just used a simple plan, retreating from the emperor himself and advancing again when he moved to face the next threat. Abdication Throughout 1813 and into 1814 the pressure grew on Napoleon; not only were his enemies grinding his forces down and approaching Paris, but the British had fought out of Spain and into France, the Grande Armà ©es Marshalls were underperforming and Bonaparte had lost the French publics support. Nevertheless, for the first half of 1814 Napoleon exhibited the military genius of his youth, but it was a war he couldnt win alone. On March 30, 1814, Paris surrendered to allied forces without a fight and, facing massive betrayal and impossible military odds, Napoleon abdicated as Emperor of France; he was exiled to the Island of Elba. Second Exile and Death Napoleon made a sensational  return to power in 1815. Traveling to France in secret, he attracted vast support and reclaimed his imperial throne, as well as reorganizing the army and government. After a series of initial engagements, Napoleon was narrowly defeated in one of historys greatest battles: Waterloo. This final adventure had occurred in less than 100 days, closing with Napoleons second abdication on June 25, 1815, whereupon British forces forced him into further exile. Housed on St. Helena, a small rocky island well away from Europe in the South Atlantic Ocean, Napoleons health and character fluctuated; he died within six years, on May 5, 1821, at age 51. Legacy Napoleon helped perpetuate a state of European-wide warfare that lasted for 20 years. Few individuals have ever had such a huge effect on the world, on economics, politics, technology, culture, and society. Napoleon may not have been a general of utter genius, but he was very good; he may not have been the best politician of his age, but he was often superb; he may not have been a perfect legislator, but his contributions were hugely important. Napoleon used his talents- through luck, talent, or force of will- to rise from chaos and then build, lead, and spectacularly destroy an empire before doing it all again in a tiny microcosm one year later. Whether a hero or tyrant, the reverberations were felt across Europe for a century. Sources I, Napoleon. â€Å"Description of Egypt. Second Edition. Antiquities, Volume One (Plates).†Ã‚  WDL RSS, Detroit Publishing Company, 1 Jan. 1970.â€Å"16 Most Remarkable Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes.†Ã‚  Goalcast, Goalcast, 6 Dec. 2018.Editors, History.com. â€Å"Napoleon Bonaparte.†Ã‚  History.com, AE Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Different Pathways Essay

Different Pathways Essay Different Pathways Essay Two Entrepreneurs: Two Successes Two Pathways Imani Stephens October 19, 2014 BTM5000-8 Abstract There are many strategies used to have a successful business. Michael Dell is successful because he makes the customer the focus of his company. He also has a good understanding of supply and demand, he steers away from overproduction. Andy Grove has had a few methods of avoiding feeling safe in his business endeavors. Grove’s method of continuous preparation has kept his business successful as well. Both entrepreneurs share the ideas of keeping a plan for future outcomes, striving through obstacles, and providing a product better than their competitors The Entrepreneurs Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 12. At the age of 19, Dell began experimenting with computer while he was a student in college. In 1984, Dell registered his business as Dell Computer Corporation. â€Å"At age 27, Michael Dell was the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company.† (Krames, 2003, p.58) Dell contributes his success to relationships between his company and the customers. Andy Grove is the cofounder and former CEO of Intel. Formerly known as Andras Grof, he migrated to the United States and cofounded Intel in the late 1960’s. Grove’s ability to overcome challenges and constructing management during periods of change has made him successful. Contributions In 1968, Andy Grove, Bob Noyce, and Gordon Moore created a computer chip that could store ever-increasing numbers of transistors. The chips would not only be cost effective but increase the computer’s memory and functionality. Grove and his team predicted the need for their product due to expansion of technology. Michael Dell used a direct model for his company which was â€Å"†¦based on a one-to-one relationship between the company and the costumers-â€Å"(Krames, 2003, p.59) Dell gave the costumer the opportunity to participate in the design of their product and a voice in the company. To assure accuracy and satisfaction, Dell builds the products after the costumer’s order is received. Costumers were given communication resources such as calls, emails, and faxes. Forums were created for costumers to speak with key employees in the company. Resistance In the 1980’s, the Japanese were making computer chips that cost less and were more efficient than the Intel chips. The competition forced Intel to shift production from chips to microprocessors. Another massive change occurred while marketing their new product, â€Å"a minor error† (Krames, 2003, p.140) was discovered in the chip. Grove created a certain amount of fear into his company, which promoted his employees to prepare for unpredictable circumstances. In the 2000’s, when the computer industry declined due

Sunday, October 20, 2019

S P D F Orbitals and Angular Momentum Quantum Numbers

S P D F Orbitals and Angular Momentum Quantum Numbers The orbital letters are associated with the angular momentum quantum number, which is assigned an integer value from 0 to 3. The s correlates to 0, p to 1, d to 2, and f to 3. The angular momentum quantum number can be used to give the shapes of the electronic orbitals. What Does S, P, D, F Stand For? The orbital names s, p, d, and f stand for names given to groups of lines originally noted in the spectra of the alkali metals. These line groups are called sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental. Shapes of Orbitals and Electron Density Patterns The s orbitals are spherical, while p orbitals are polar and oriented in particular directions (x, y, and z). It may be simpler to think of these two letters in terms of orbital shapes (d and f arent described as readily). However, if you look at a cross-section of an orbital, it isnt uniform. For the s orbital, for example, there are shells of higher and lower electron density. The density near the nucleus is very low. Its not zero, however, so there is a small chance of finding an electron within the atomic nucleus. What the Orbital Shape Means The electron configuration of an atom denotes the distribution of electrons among available shells. At any point in time, an electron can be anywhere, but its probably contained somewhere in the volume described by the orbital shape. Electrons can only move between orbitals by absorbing or emitting a packet or quantum of energy. The standard notation lists the subshell symbols, one after another. The number of electrons contained in each subshell is stated explicitly. For example, the electron configuration of beryllium, with an atomic (and electron) number of 4, is 1s22s2 or [He]2s2. The superscript is the number of electrons in the level. For beryllium, there are two electrons in the 1s orbital and 2 electrons in the 2s orbital. The number in front of the energy level indicates relative energy. For example, 1s is lower energy than 2s, which in turn is lower energy than 2p. The number in front of the energy level also indicates its distance from the nucleus. The 1s is closer to the atomic nucleus than 2s. Electron Filling Pattern Electrons fill up energy levels in a predictable manner. The electron filling pattern is: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f s can hold 2 electronsp can hold 6 electronsd can hold 10 electronsf can hold 14 electrons Note that individual orbitals hold a maximum of two electrons. There can be two electrons within an s-orbital, p-orbital, or d-orbital. There are more orbitals within f than d, and so on.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

(Some Finance Questions) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(Some Finance Questions) - Research Paper Example TIPs pay interest semi-annually at a fixed rate which is calculated on the adjusted principal to make the interest payments as well inflation driven (Treasury Direct). The market of TIPs is the world largest inflation indexed securities market with over $550 billion of TIPs outstanding i.e. approximately 8% of the total debt market of treasury. TIPs can be purchased directly from Treasury Direct system with a minimum purchase limit of $100 and multiples of $100 thereof and are available with 5-, 10-, and 30-year maturities. The 5-year and 30-year TIPs are auctioned semi-annually whereas 10-year TIPs are auctioned quarterly. The auction bids are TIPs are submitted both as competitive and non-competitive. In case of competitive bids, the bidder specifies the yield that he/she is willing to accept the security for. In case of non-competitive bid, the yield is determined at the auction which the bidder agrees to accept for a security. TIPs are issued in electronic form and can be like ot her marketable securities which can be held to maturity or sold before it matures. Interest paid on TIPs is subject to federal taxes but are exempted from both state and local taxes.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Roe vs Wade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Roe vs Wade - Essay Example Fifthly, was the district court correct in denying injunctive relief? This paper aims at discussing some of the issues that relate to the right of privacy as derived from the Roe V.Wade case. In 1880s abortion was legalized in United States, and it was allowed when the mother’s life was in danger. Since the birthrate was declining during that period among the whites, the government and other human rights agencies were concerned about it. They termed the declining rate of race suicide since they wanted the women who were born in United States to reproduce. Abortion was illegal and thus if a woman had to carry an abortion it depended on the race, economic situation, and the location one lived (Critchlow, 2010). Poor women who came from other races could not afford it due to the high cost. In 1960s, there emerged a group that was known as Clergy Consultation Services on Abortion. It consisted of pastors and rabbis who dealt with illegal abortion since they sympathized with women. During the 1960s, civil rights and antiwar movements campaigned and came up with women liberation movement, and they wanted abortion to be legalized. In 1963, another group that had trained women created abortion services though they assumed that they were counseling individuals in cases of abortion. In 1967 to 1973 some of the states started reforming abortion laws, for example, they came up with cases when a woman was allowed to abort. For instance, in case or rape and incest, it was allowed (Rubin, 2001). In 1970, abortion was legalized in New York and was to be conducted in the first 20 weeks but did not apply to other states. Roe v. Wade marked the landmark of issues relating to abortion in United States. The case was under the jurisdiction of United States Supreme Court. Roe was the pregnant woman who was challenging the constitution on abortion laws in Texas. It was illegal to

Born free by Joy Ademson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Born free by Joy Ademson - Essay Example In this way, the text not only offers a representation of understanding in terms of human and animal interrelationships with regard to the dependency that is created between the lioness and humans; but also in terms of the independence that should be established as a means of reintroducing this wild animal back to its natural habitat. As a means of discussing this dynamic, the following analysis will focus specifically upon the level of human and animal interaction that are represented within chapters of this particular book. It is the hope of this student that such a level of representation will not only be beneficial in terms of helping to summarize the text but also in terms of assisting the reader in understanding the progression of ideas and appreciation for nature that is denoted by the progression of the human and animal relationship depicted. Within the first chapter, the text understandably relates a situation in which the humans are overcome by fascination and interest in the new cub that they have the opportunity to raise. Not unlike giddy young parents, the humans are represented as truly fascinated by the prospect of raising this wild animal within their own homes and sharing its experiences with their own. As such, a level of foreshadowing is illustrated; and one in which the reader comes to understand that even though this opportunity is unique and charming, the growth of the lioness and its changing needs will necessarily take far more than human interest and fascination to be able to meet. Similarly, the second and third chapters, entitled â€Å"Elsa Meets Other Wild Animals† and â€Å"Elsa Goes to the Indian Ocean† also reflect the growth experience that the humans are sharing with the lioness; as she grows out of being a cub and into a very early adolescent lion. It is necessary to note that this particular juncture that the changing needs of the lioness are actually

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The power of optimism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The power of optimism - Essay Example One also realized that through personal experiences, as well as the experiences relayed by other people, there are valid supports to the contention that the power of optimism is real as it could open more opportunities that could lead to success. First and foremost, one affirms that I am an optimist, by nature. However, I am also a realist. In facing different situations, I assume a positive stance that everything would come out right. If they don’t, I believe that the challenges are made to be encountered to learn something new and good from them – thus, still making us better in the end. I have proven the power of optimism through the experience of my aunt. After a decade of productive career as a bank manager, she lost her job at the midst of a great financial strain since her husband had been diagnosed with diabetes and chronic kidney failure and they have six children to support. Fortunately, she was also an optimist. Rather than being depressed, anxious, and troubled, she sought to find other employment opportunities that would enable her to work at home and attend to both her husband’s and children’s needs. She acknowledged that since more opportunities are being made available through the online medium, she could use her skills in becoming a freelance writer. She eventually found a job as a freelance writer; doubled and even tripled her earnings, and was able to do everything without having to leave the comforts of their home. As such, the loss of one job was viewed, not as an end of a career; but as a blessing in disguise. Through the power of optimism, she did not lose hope in finding a more productive employment which enabled her to address their financial needs, the health requirements of her husband, and the educational support for their six children. Clearly, the power of optimism brings forth new

Children's Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children's Literature - Essay Example The cerebellum and basal ganglia follow, to control movement.† (Begley, 2000). Once the system for movement has been established, the child’s limbic system comes into play that enhances the child’s memory as well as feelings. Finally, the child’s cerebral cortex develops to facilitate the process of thinking. New born babies cry when they hear other babies in their surrounding crying. This is fundamentally because of the sympathetic trait of human nature and the intrinsic urge to help others. A 3 months old baby is smart enough to identify his/her mother in the scrambled picture and a 13 to 15 months old child starts to take decisions on his/her level about who to be with and where to be. (Brant and Wingert, 2005). Despite the already developed brain a baby is born with, he/she requires external influence to mature as a child. Intimate relatives, specially the parents play a special role in shaping the children’s approach towards understanding and reacting to the world around them. How a child is treated in his/her early years of childhood has an impact on how the child will treat others when he/she becomes an adult. What he/she is appreciated for and what he/she is taunted for lays the standards for the child to judge the future matters with. If a child is not nurtured properly in the critical initial childhood years, he/she can not be expected to attain leadership qualities in the future. â€Å"Nature and nurture thus appear to act together seamlessly, in a developmental duet.† (Brazelton and Greenspan, 2000). Researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine have discovered that brain of kids who have not been into games or else have not been touched by their parents much are ge nerally 20% to 30% smaller than their counterparts. (Nash, 1997). One of the biggest challenges in front of parents in the modern age is to decide in what hands to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The power of optimism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The power of optimism - Essay Example One also realized that through personal experiences, as well as the experiences relayed by other people, there are valid supports to the contention that the power of optimism is real as it could open more opportunities that could lead to success. First and foremost, one affirms that I am an optimist, by nature. However, I am also a realist. In facing different situations, I assume a positive stance that everything would come out right. If they don’t, I believe that the challenges are made to be encountered to learn something new and good from them – thus, still making us better in the end. I have proven the power of optimism through the experience of my aunt. After a decade of productive career as a bank manager, she lost her job at the midst of a great financial strain since her husband had been diagnosed with diabetes and chronic kidney failure and they have six children to support. Fortunately, she was also an optimist. Rather than being depressed, anxious, and troubled, she sought to find other employment opportunities that would enable her to work at home and attend to both her husband’s and children’s needs. She acknowledged that since more opportunities are being made available through the online medium, she could use her skills in becoming a freelance writer. She eventually found a job as a freelance writer; doubled and even tripled her earnings, and was able to do everything without having to leave the comforts of their home. As such, the loss of one job was viewed, not as an end of a career; but as a blessing in disguise. Through the power of optimism, she did not lose hope in finding a more productive employment which enabled her to address their financial needs, the health requirements of her husband, and the educational support for their six children. Clearly, the power of optimism brings forth new

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How the news affects stock prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How the news affects stock prices - Essay Example Research suggests that there is a positive correlation between the political news and the stock prices. Asset prices and returns are determined by the changes in the economic as well as political variables and since the stock returns are expected values therefore the arrival of any news changes these expectations. (Elmendorf, Hirschfield and Weil). The event of 9/11 virtually forced the stock markets of the world to close for couple of days to accommodate the stock prices to adjust to this event and most of the companies especially in airline sector witness complete erosion of their market capitalization within the matter of days after the incident. The Efficient Market Hypothesis suggest that all the news are being discounted into the stock prices as market expect them however with the news like the death of US President through a terrorist attack, this sudden and strong news will cause the major shake up in the stock market and the stock prices of Coke and Microsoft will certainly drop in order to account for the increase uncertainty and risk involved due to the death of US President. EMH suggest that only the unexpected part of the news has the power to shake the market therefore with the news of the murder of the US President market will respond to it in negative way. Previous research conducted on the correlation between the stock prices and the news suggested that there is hardly a correlation between the both however after allowing for different stages of the business cycles, the news has a very positive correlation to the stock prices. (McQueen and Roley). This is particularly true in the news event of the murder of Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan who was assassinated in the last week of Dec 2007. Though her death caused million of dollars loss to the government of Pakistan as there were widespread riots all over the country but stock prices did not reflected that political event in that much amount as the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey Report Essay Example for Free

Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey Report Essay The Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey Report It all started on the cool morning of July 31. After a delay of about 2 hrs, we finally got on the Volvo AC bus after having our modest breakfast in OIS. I felt great; the morning fresh air always suited me. The bus passed effortlessly through the jam less Dhaka streets. Once it got to Savar, I began to notice natural beauty of the highest quality. There were all kinds of plants and shrubs and delicately colored flowers. The green carpeted Savar Golf Course was the main attraction of our journey from Dhaka to Aricha. After an hours delay at the Aricha ferry ghat, it took us another hour to cross the river. The other half of our journey from ferry ghat to Khulna was torturous. Amid the sweltering heat of the shrouded sun, the AC of the AC bus kept breaking down and we were not in a position to actually appreciate the natural roadside beauty. Everyone was sweating and cursing inside the bus. And no one had the heart of taking pictures or tuning to a song. So the first emotion upon stepping out of the bus was one of relief; no one would want to repeat a bus journey like that! We reached the quarter where we would be saying for the better part of the next 2 days. Every one of us felt disappointed on seeing the small building surrounded by the wild. Compared to BARD, this place was like a jungle. We spent an hour for settling in our room and washing ourselves up. Then we took a 20 minute walk and our journey for the day was put to an end. The next day was full of adventures. We took a 2 hr walk before breakfast. The highlight of our adventurous journey came right after that. We took a bus to Bagerhat to visit the Sathgombhuj Mosque. The guide there told us some part of the history of the mosque and also gave us an insight on where the name of the mosque derived from. After a brief photo-session we went to Khan Jahan Ali Mazar; there we sat near the edge of the lake and took a little snack break of singara and Frutica. Some half an hour later another bus trip took us to Chadmahal. The place is a gem hidden deep in the heart of Bagerhat. It looked like a great place for family hangout. Apart from anything else there is a zoo, an astounding 3-storey marble-studded building and an underwater entrance to the building. After our short visit to Chandmahal, we took our survey of the local people, as instructed and then went back to our resting place. After a day full of work, it was a bliss to me to get a quick shower and nap before the grand camp fire. Although most of the awardees were reluctant, the campfire went fine. I was honored to be given the chance to light the fire. From there on, we sang and Akter sir danced and overall the camp-fire was a success. After that we went to sleep. The next day, everyone woke up early and prepared to leave. We loaded vans with our luggage and hurried to the train station. No sooner had we got on the train, it gave its final whistle and started to move. The train journey was itself an adventure with one of the bogies going off-track soon after we passed a small station. All in all the adventurous journey was a memorable one and a few glitches along the way will not make it any less enjoyable.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Effect of Urban Settings on Population Health

Effect of Urban Settings on Population Health Policies of Urban Planning that Influence Built Environment Urban settings have a direct impact on the health of the people who live there. Our lifestyles, living standards, health and social behaviours had a significant changes as a result of urbanization. Ratio of people living as drastically changes as before ten year three out of ten are living in cities but in future approx 2050 ,seven out of ten will be living in cities(10). Urban area provide great opportunities for individuals and families to prosper and opportunity with enhanced access to services, culture and recreation that provides a health living environment, because of this favourable aspects people are attracted by urban cities as started living there. But with this favourable condition there are health risk too for people living in cities as big city lights, bustling market places skyscrapers. Many new health challenges and health hazards rises to the denizen of city. In developing world ,environmental factors are the main cause of compelling burden in terms of the of mortality and morbidity. Since a healthy environment is a prerequisite for a healthy population, a combine and broad approach to health and environment is required to protect both the environment and public health. In recent years mortality reduction Progress has although accelerated uneven improvement and large variations in health status persist both between and within countries. As Environment is linked with most of the Millennium Development Goals. But by year 2015 MDGs will be difficult to achieve without proper attention being paid to the environmental risk factors and its management. Policies related to built environment in Developed countries For shaping our lifestyle and environment policy is a effectual tool. In Public health domain researchers are made particularly in the areas how policy changes and to increase physical activity by large scale investments are made in transportation groundwork. Decisive factor in how people get to work is built environment. For active commute, to make easier for people protected bike lanes, sidewalks and availability of bike storage. Similarly physical activity increases by access to public transportation, since it gives people a chance to walk to and from a bus stop . local trains and metro station. Land-Use Policies During the last half of the 20th century and the early part of the 21st century In the U.S., for highway development the direct subsidies and federal housing loans are two major policy decisions that fuelled the rise of sprawling suburban developments. Nonetheless, local cities and towns can enact policies for land-use, such as building codes and zoning regulations and to support physical activity create community-wide environments. Access to Public Transportation Public transportation may help sluggish individuals to travel their workplaces in daily routine ,as it is cost effective especially for people low-income and minority groups, and good for daily physical activity. For disease control and prevention it is recommend for communities to improve access to public transport, this may encourage people to use it. Bike and Pedestrian-Friendly Street Designs and Policies In the Netherlands, by contrast, trips are made by bike are 27 percent .While U.S. people are making more trips by walking .inn 2009 it is approx 10.5 percent of all trips. In Europe umber of policies has been proposed based on successful support of active transport. This policies focuses on making streets safer for walking and biking: minimize speed limits, more time for longer pedestrian crossing, voluminous sidewalks, planting should be done to calm traffic in the roadways, city zones should be auto-free and protected, dedicated lanes for bike are few approaches. Some Other options include offering incentives for not using cars. In early 2000s London made broad bike path, bike parking, and development of traffic safety and congestion pricing .In 2003 drivers have to pay fine to enter in city. From 2000 to 2008 these changes have been accompanied by a doubling in bicycle trips and a 12 percent reduction in serious cycling injuries. In the U.S., to make roads safer for drivers, pedestrians and cyclist a list of policies are made by the National Complete Streets Coalition for local, state, and federal governments. Our surroundings and the policies that shape them have a substantial impact on where, when, how, and how much physical activity we get on a daily basis. Obesity epidemic is caused by lack of physical activity, friendly environments is one way to help turn around the epidemic. Buildings ,roads, communities are many elements to an activity-friendly environment encourage walking and biking; there are some plentiful and appealing places as parks, garden and playground (2). The city has in fact become a key focus for promoting sustainable development policy within UK. ( which city.) Make greater use of integrated urban development policy approaches (by creating and ensuring high-quality public spaces, modernising infrastructure networks and improving energy efficiency, proactive innovation and educational policies. Pay special attention to deprived neighbourhoods within the context of the city as a whole (by pursuing strategies to upgrade the physical environment, strengthen the local economy and local labour market policy, instigate proactive education and training policies, and promote efficient and affordable urban transport. For example, By 2050 Vancouver city in Canada developed a plan to be the world’s greenest city and has approach to determined action plan to achieve its target with the competition with London, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Stockholm such cities. By 2020 majority of people travels through public transport, cycling and walking. By 2020,0 % waste so that solid waste per capita going to dumping ground or cinerarium is reduced by 40%. BY 2020 Easy access to nature and green spaces with everyone living within a 5 minute walk of such space which will also see the planting of 150, 000 more trees. Human Health By 2020 taking pleasure of the best drinking water of any prime city in the world by meeting/beating national and international standards and 33% reducing per capita consumption. By 2020 WHO target access to the cleanest air of any major world city by meeting/beating. Policies related to built environment in Developing countries The built environment in many developing countries is fast decaying. The factors responsible can be traced to rapid urbanization, rural- urban migration, steady economic downturn, decay of urban infrastructure, and poor quality of original construction, lack of integrated planning, negligent urban housekeeping, and preservation of historic value, disaster and war. This problem is more felt in Africa and Asia where half of the population are either homeless or living in houses which are dangerous to health and an affront to human dignity. Nearly 80.0% of the urban population lives in slums and squatter settlements without adequate water, lighting, sanitation and waste disposal (World Bank, 2005) Following are some of the policy suggestions in developing countries The first to be considered is the need for quality housing and hygienic environment. To achieve this, extensive redevelopment and upgrading programmes through the provision of urban basic services are essential in the area priority should be given to provision of portable water disposal facilities, and proper maintenance of drainages. Sanitary inspections should be regularly carried out on provision of household facilities with the enforcement of environmental sanitary laws. Adequate funding should be given to Waste Management Authority for effective service as well as improved health facilities in the Area. Generally, poverty tends to breed poor environmental and unhygienic conditions that have great impact on human health. This is because poor cannot afford for the facility for a healthy living, most especially, quality housing thus they become vulnerable to health risks. To avoid this situation and assure good environmental standard, public enlightenment and environmental educatio n would be necessary to keep the people well informed about the importance of healthy and hygienic environment. There is only one choice to make and that is preservation and proper management of our environment in such a way that it can be useful for the future generation. As we know health is wealth. The most promising area where the greatest impact can be made in combating the disease burden in our environments and ensure a stable healthier and longer lifespan for people surely lies on investment in environmental sanitation, good housing condition and sound health. Adequate plans should be made therefore to involve stakeholders, individuals and governments (local, state and federal) to redeeming the image of deplorable parts of our cities and rescue the lives of the poor residents.(3)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Artificial Olfactory Enhancement :: Olfactory Enhancement Essays

Artificial Olfactory Enhancement The human olfactory system is responsible for perceiving the chemical world around us. By sampling the environment, we can determine the presence of other individuals, possible danger, or distinguish acceptable food. Consisting of our sense of taste and smell, the olfactory system is a highly interrelated coordination of chemical and nerve responses. Yet as we have all experienced, human olfaction has limits. The popular image of a bloodhound leading hunters through the woods is one example of these limits. The scent trail that is all too easily picked up by the hound is completely elusive to his human companions. This is partially due to the dogà ­s possession of nearly twenty times more olfactory neurons than humans. Another example is evident in airports across the country. Long lines of passengers wait in line while a security guard swabs a bag and passes the sample under a mysterious black box. The machine squawks an alarm and the owner of the bag is promptly arrested for concealing explosive material. These are two simple situations in which the human olfactory system is not sufficient to meet our needs. We are dependent upon these machines and animals in order to achieve our goals. They are examples where we have identified a shortcoming of human abilities and have attempted to augment them through the aid of external devices. Nearly every aspect of human ability has seen the same attempt at embellishment. Even those that have lost functioning are able to regain some ability through the aid of external devices. Yet while wheelchairs and hearing aids are effective to an extent, it is doubtless that those individuals would benefit more if they were free from mechanical restraints. To integrate the advancement into the body itself creates an autonomous individual, whether brought back to normal functioning or elevated beyond. In the case of an individual elevated beyond normal biology, we would have expanded our own potential. An olfaction enhanced security guard could detect explosives or drugs instantaneously, without the cumbersome dependency upon a stationary device. An enhanced doctor could evaluate a patient using the subtle scent cues often present in disease. The potential for olfactory enhancement is clear. This paper will examine the potential for an augmented human olfactory system using electronic devices implanted in the body.

Friday, October 11, 2019

My environment MY responsibility Essay

Good morning to Mr. Principal,teachers and students. Thank you for Mr. Principal for giving me a chance to present our speach on My environment MY responsibility. we come up with three categories of environment, where it includes the natural environment, built environment which involving the act of vandalism and social environment along with some suggestion on how we can improve these situations. As we talking about natural environment nowadays, we have to reflect ourselves on what we have done before this to the natural environment itself. Being such an irresponsible person or students who like to throw the rubbish everywhere, practice open burning and step on the grass that has been prohibited, it makes the environment become worst day by day. As we reflect back, this is all because our attitude itself. If we can change our attitude, I absolutely believe that we can also make a difference. Furthermore, what we have to bear in our mind is that, being a student is not just learning things in the class, but we also have to learn on how to manage our nature or our respective land or in other words our environment itself because we live in this world as a community and we are not alone. Thus, we should consider certain things to make sure that all the people can live in peace without being disturb by the others or by our attitude that can gives an impact to the society itself. In order to preserve and conserve the environment, we as a student should practice an environmental – friendly lifestyle. In this situation, if we practice this, we can avoid ourselves from doing things It is the responsibility of every person in checking the causes that affect the environmental disaster and play a positive role in improving it and these things have also got to be mentioned. One must realize the importance of a healthy environment and that it is for his/her own benefit to protect it and to take measures to make the world clean and green because as the proverb says â€Å"We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment†.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Paranormal Existences

Paranormal Existence Is someone or something else among us at this moment, in this room, something we can’t even see? Have you ever wondered what else is really out there? Unexplained happenings occur every day. Spirits or ghosts are thought of just being people that have passed away but there has to be more to it. Paranormal activity is defined as experiences that lie outside the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.At some point in everyone’s life they will experience some kind of unexplained activity. Many people ask the question if it actually exists or if it’s all in their head. Scientists often say that these so called â€Å"spirits† do not exist. Only personal experiences can interpret your own feelings about paranormal existences. My story is about a spirit that lived on past their death. One night a couple months ago me and my friends were playing on her wigi board. Her dad had died 5 years earlier due to a horrific car crash.Her f amily had always seen balls roll across the room and other strange things happen without explanation; they always assumed it was him. When we started playing around with the board the first letter of the girl’s dads name showed up and her eyes instantly filled up with tears, like a helpless child left all alone, the second letter was the second letter to his name, the same with the third. By this time my friend was balling, she of course knew it was her father. We continued playing until the last letter of his name showed up.At this moment we heard a vase upstairs shatter into a million pieces, just like the car windshield had done when his helpless body had gone through it, instantly killed. We ran upstairs to find the vase and its contents of flowers spread all over the floor. Then we replaced it with a new vase and reassembled the flowers to how they were. The next morning her mother walked downstairs with a flower in her hand and asked, â€Å"Why did you put a flower nex t to my bed? † That night changed the way I thought about spirits forever.I never thought anything like that could ever happen to me. Anyone who experienced that kind of activity and the intensity in that room could easily say they felt a presence surrounding them. In the moment of that glass shattering was the one of the scariest moments of my life. I will always remember the terror racing through me, my heart pounding, sounding of horse’s strong hooves beating against the track, like thunder rolling in and the suspense leading up to the storm.Saying spirits like this don’t exist is outrageous considering how many people actually experience real activity. Some people don’t want to believe this is real simply because they are scared of it. Many others find it very interesting to study about and explore the possibilities of what else could potentially be out there with us in our everyday lives and something you aren’t even able to see. Everyone has d ifferent views on if paranormal existences are actually real. Mysterious things could happen at any time, and when they do, be prepared.

Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay

Costco is one of United States’ largest retailers, serving over 3600 variants of convenience products at excellent quality with competent prices. Founded in 1983, Costco quickly expanded in its operations to over 598 stores worldwide. One of the unique selling propositions of Costco is the fact that they offer very low prices as compared to their competitors without requiring to compromise quality. This paper will analyze Costco’s key success factors in terms of its strategic management. Business Model Costco’s business model is simple and straightforward; they offer high quality products at affordable rates. The centerpiece of Costco’s model entails high sales volume and rapid inventory turnover. Costco enjoys high inventory turnover which means that they don’t need to stock a particular good for long period of time. Also, before they need to pay the suppliers, they are able to sell it. Which means, they are able to pay suppliers with the cash derived from sales, leading to low working capital. This shows significance in financial health and good financial management. This kind of business model is appealing for several reasons; low prices can generate high number of customers, indicates healthy operations, encourage rapid turnover, decrease warehouse costs and many more. However, in order to keep up with this business model, Costco needs to continually maintain overhead costs, which will be discussed further into the paper. Strategy Costco’s low pricing strategy highly depends upon several factors. In terms of pricing, they offer bargain products at low prices. Their earnings highly come from membership fees, over which members can join in an annual subscription and enjoy promotional rates as members. Even though Costco enjoys less profit margins, they have high number of annual members and earn their profit by membership revenues. In terms of product, their Kirkland Signature is also of good quality as a representation of their brand. They are also ready to experience loss of sales by customers who do not want to purchase in larger quantities. Treasure-hunt merchandising is also a smart  method to continually renew their product lines to encourage members to purchase the item right away in fear of not having them available at the next visit. Jim Sinegal and Core Values as CEO Jim Sinegal shows good examples of leadership as a CEO. He conducts an open-door policy which makes him accessible to staff, thereby increasing employee motivation. Jim also conducts regular store visits as opposed to working at a desk, which shows his willingness to step down to the field to help improve the store. The business environment is made to be causal and unpretentious, so employees feel sense of belonging and are often committed to the organization, in benefit of themselves and the company. Low employee turnover shows the compatibility of the employees and the company, which means that the corporate culture can be maintained or enhanced. Financial Perspective We have come to understand that Costco achieves much of their revenue from membership renewals. Observing the financial data, we see that Costco’s membership fees if four times over from 2000 up to 2011. This signifies their proficiency in making member packages attractive. Their actions in prioritizing members have been successful as we see that members are continually signing up. Therefore, membership is encouraged to be sustained. However, we see that sales also increase significantly over the years, almost 3 times over. Therefore, we can conclude that despite having less marketing activities, Costco is able to attract customers by emphasizing on price efficiency. Their working capital ration (current assets minus current liabilities) is kept at a low level due to high inventory turnover. Competitive Advantage over Competitors A key competitive advantage owned by Costco over its competitors is, without a doubt, their low prices. Although they do not invest much in store layout, store ambiance, labor and marketing, they have low overhead costs which contributes to being able to keep prices low. Also, they offer a wide array of product categories from food products to gasoline, although within a product category, they offer less brands than usual retailers (Llopis, 2011). Strategic Weaknesses in Comparison to Competitors The fact that Costco carries only 3600 selections of merchandises could potentially be a major flaw in their strategy. Generally, other stores carry over 10.000 selections. Customers may initially feel the thrill of shopping at cheap prices at Costco but could eventually dislike the lack of choices in terms of brands and may choose to shop at stores with larger varieties. Secondly, Costco spend less for advertisements and rely on word-of-mouth and certain campaigns. However, their competitors, Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale Club spend much more on advertisements. Presently, Costco’s financial conditions show steady results in sales but the power of marketing is such that customers may choose to shop elsewhere for various reasons. It is also important to note that customers’ switching costs (from Costco to another) is relatively low. Compensations Policies Costco offers attractive compensations as compared to their competitors. The employee benefits covers all aspects such as fixed wages, health benefits, medicinal discounts, eligibility for company profits, counseling services and many more. At a quick glance, we notice that Costco spends much on compensation, despite the comparatively lower amount of labor, due to the vast varieties of compensations. In my opinion, it shows good corporate culture to take care of employees. In most companies, CEOs are the first ones to be rewarded with sky-high numbers. It is different in the case with Costco, where CEOs are paid enough without failing to reward employees appropriately. Conclusions and Recommendations Although from a management and operation point of view, Costco is doing everything to a tee, there are several recommendations provided to further improve its performance: Increase product lines to above 3600 in order to compete in terms of product choice with their competitors, especially after understanding that customers’ switching costs are low. Costco already has a big advantage in terms of prices and can do wonders when they also hold product advantage. Prepare some funds for marketing. Branding and brand awareness are two of the most important factors for warehouses to remain sustainable in the market to be seen as reliant. With more marketing, Costco can retain top-of-mind positioning as the â€Å"place to shop† in customers’ mindsets. Maintain membership fees at a fair rate. Currently, Costco’s membership fees are higher compared to their competitors. They can maintain their fees at this level only if they can provide more attractive member benefits to their customers compared to their competitors. Reference: Llopis, G. (2011, January 31). The Costco Factor: To Win The Business Game, You Need to Change How You Think. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2011/01/31/the-costco-factor-to-win-the-business-game-you-need-to-change-how-you-think/

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diabetes - Essay Example Type II diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes is the most common form. Diabetes is an internal disease, which is caused due to the build up of glucose in the blood and insufficient glucose provided to the cells in the body. Living organisms need energy to survive and for this they intake food. The food that they eat goes through a lot of internal processes to be converted into energy. The hormone that plays the main role in this conversion is insulin, which is secreted by pancreas. It takes glucose from the blood and provides to all the body cells and this is how it is turned into energy. A person suffers from diabetes because his pancreas either fails to secrete sufficient amount of insulin or because the body does not utilize the already secreted hormone accordingly. He or she is seen to have high blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia. Causes of Type II Diabetes: Type II diabetes is mainly seen in people who have crossed 45 years. But with the modern lifestyle and the way the world works nowadays, even children and youngsters have started being affected by it. The percentage of youth suffering from diabetes is increasing steadily. To be safe from this disease, one needs to know the different factors that lead to it. Research has shown that â€Å"genetic susceptibility† (Causes of Diabetes para 9) and â€Å"environmental factors† (Causes of Diabetes para 12) such as obesity, lack of physical activity, metabolic syndrome, beta cell dysfunction etc, are the main reasons behind type II diabetes Often at times, genes play a very important role in placing a person under high risk or low risk of being prone to diabetes. This means that a person, whose parents and siblings suffered from this disease, stands a greater chance of falling prey to it. Inheriting such genes, especially â€Å"variants of the TCF7L2 gene† (Causes of Diabetes para 24) leads to restriction in the amount of insulin that is produced, wh ich causes the blood sugar levels to rise abnormally. Ethnicity also accounts as a factor and mostly â€Å"African Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians etc† (Causes of Diabetes para 22) are seen to have diabetes. Certain genes also bring about the tendency in people to become obese. Obesity, mainly the one where the individual has excessive belly fat, along with absence of exercise cause a lot of cardio vascular problems and ultimately lead to diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is seen in people who have insulin resistance, due to which the cells of the body become unable to absorb the glucose present in the blood. Beta cell dysfunction causes substantial difference in the amount of insulin that is secreted. When glucose is produced in huge amounts, a condition called glucose toxicity occurs in which the beta cells are vitiated. Other factors include over secretion of glucose by liver, hindrances in communication among cells etc. Complications of Type II Diabetes: Type II di abetes is a very serious disease since one of the main hormones, insulin, which controls the blood sugar levels as well as the major activity of the body, that is converting glucose into energy, is tampered with. Diabetes itself is caused by factors that are quite harmful for the body, and when these factors along with diabetes together are present, the person suffering definitely runs the risk of being affected by other diseases. Type II diabetes is thus, associated to certain other diseases which prove to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Llighting strikes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Llighting strikes - Assignment Example Lightning strikes do not burn the flesh since the contact with charge is too brief to cause such heating. Instead, lightning strikes affect the human body by electropolation – a process in which cells in the human body produce holes in their cell membranes. Consequently, human muscles and nerves are vastly disrupted by lightning strikes (Ritenour, Morton and McManus). In addition, lightning strikes tend to induce electrical surges within the human body particularly in the nervous system leading to cardiac arrest. Moreover, human hearing is directly affected by the thunder shock wave produced by lightning strikes (Ritenour, Morton and McManus). Lightning strikes produce diverse cardiac effects ranging from changes in the electrocardiograph (ECG) patterns to cardiac seizures. The victim of a lightning strike may be suffering from cardiac contusion, myocardial infarction, stroke, arrhythmia among other problems (McIntyre, Simpson and Redfearn). Lightning strikes tend to depolarise the myocardium leading to thoracic muscle spasm and respiratory failure as well as asystole (American Heart Association). In case of a lightning strike, the paramedic should take to resuscitation as soon as possible since most lightning strike patients develop respiratory problems. If back injuries are present, it is best to stabilise the victim’s head before proceeding to artificial resuscitation. In addition, it is possible that the victim will have altered levels of consciousness that may lead to ventilator impairment. Often the fundamental cause of ventilator impairment is a blocked pharynx due to a relaxed tongue. The paramedic must check for such blockages immediately after which resuscitation should be continued (Medscape). The first aid team on the scene must initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the earliest since most lightning strike victims die as a result of cardiopulmonary failures. When providing help to a